Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who won the debate?

My boss asked me this morning if I watched the debate last night. Well, let me tell you. I tried... I really, truely, honestly TRIED! I could NOT do it! It was worse than watching my children. There was more finger pointing than ANYTHING! It was absolutely, positively, PATHETIC! I watched about 3 minutes of it... It wasn't getting any better... so I shut it off & went to bed!

SOOOO, this afternoon, I noticed this lovely little article on the internet (and if I could figure out how to post direct links on, I'd do that but u can look here: )

I'd like to quote a line from this article:

"According to a national poll that CNN conducted after the debate, 58% of people felt Barack Obama won the debate, while 31% felt that John McCain performed better."

Now, I'm no math-whiz... well, I DID get my AS in Accounting, so maybe I'm SLIGHTLY a math-whiz... but, even my 3rd grader knows that 58% + 31% is NOT 100%! That means there's another 11% out there... And I bet that that 11% is the only normal bunch of Americans who feel that neither one deserve to be pres. and that we're pretty much screwed for th en ext 4 years... I'm one of that very small 11%...

What the HELL America... WHY are we letting these IDIOTS try to run our country? WHERE did all the serious candidates go????

Lord, help us all... I can see this becoming a REALLY LONG 4 years!

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