Monday, November 17, 2008

My life DVR'd Episode 2

Ready? Set? REWIND!!!!!

Frantastical Fables Episode 2 - aired on Friday 11/14/2008 @ 2:00ish pm

Big Boss Man (BBM) is such a jackass! I don't know if I like him or not anymore! It all started around 7:45am *insert wavy lines to show back story*

BBM's brother-in-law, we'll call him Bob, wait, not redneck enough... we'll call him Billy Bob... OK, so Billy Bob walks in with a yellow delivery slip.
BBM: What's that?
Billy Bob: *Insert supplier's name here* just brought a door.
ME: *thinking to myself* CRAP! I forgot to write it up on the board that it was coming in, oh well... go with the flow... *walks over and grabs the delivery slip from Billy Bob*
ME: Yea, that's So&So's door...
BBM: So&So?
ME: Yea, remember the pain in the ass who changed the door 5 times in 3 minutes?
BBM: Oh, them... lemme see... maybe you can go and install that door today, Billy Bob.
Billy Bob: *breathing heavily like he's in a deep sleep* mmmhmph
BBM: *reaches over and grabs a clipboard* Why isn't he on the clipboard?
ME: *looks over at boards then down at him* ummm... that's the window clipboard, not the doors clipboard *tries to squeeze thru to get it but a) I'm too fat becuz b) he is pushed back too close to the wall for me to get by so I stop*
BBM: I'll grab it *takes contract off clipboard and turns to confirmation order sheet*

So, now, NOTE that I have the delivery sheet and HE has his order sheet, I'm standing next to him while he's sitting. Billy Bob is standing in front of the desk looking like a gorilla like usual...

ME: OK, its a Jeldwen s530
BBM: Yup
ME: Size is... ummm... three-oh by six-eight
BBM: What's the hinge?
ME: Ummm... its uh, right hinge swing in
BBM: PERFECT! *grabs phone and calls homeowner... Door is ready to be installed*
BBM: *hands billy bob the contract* Take a copy of this and leave it on her desk to bill. You can install the door after 10am.
Billy Bob: OK *then walks out the door*

*INSERT wavy lines again... present time* Do you see where this is going? Not yet? Well, lets go back to approximately 10:30ish am

ME: Good morning, Crap Job
Billy Bob: (OK, I'm going to be honest. I don't remember this convo word for word so I'll just get to the gist of it) The door don't fit
ME: WHAT? Well, that figures.
Billy Bob: Yea, *insert Supplier name here* screwed up because its written right on the order slip that Big Boss Man does.
ME: Wait, you SEEN that, right? BBM was the one that checked that, right???
Billy Bob: Yup, I seen it.
Me: Yea, but watch... It'll STILL be my fault... it's ALWAYS my fault!
Billy Bob: *laughs*
We finish up the convo. I proceed to tell Boss Lady that it'll be my fault even tho I never seen the paper...

*Insert wavy lines - back to 2:00ish pm*
I'm not even going to enter in all the word for word convos now... It went something like this. BBM walks in the office, I'm finishing up my work. My 6.5 hours are almost done... I'm wanting to leave cuz, well, it's Friday and I got things to do... So, anyways, BBM comes up and says how I didn't check the door before it went out to get installed. I told him that I couldn't check something I didn't have and we argued for a while back & forth about that... he insisted the entire 20 minutes that this went on that he never seen the paper to know the size was wrong... even when I TOLD him in DETAIL how it happened, he still said he had nothing to do with it so I told him I'd argue with him til I was blue in the face because I KNEW I was right & I flat out asked him why he just couldn't admit that he was wrong, for just ONCE in his life! He then says something along the lines of how I never admit when I'm wrong. I tell him how untrue that is and he says that I never admit it, I just look down and walk away... well, rewind... the last time that happened was because he yelled at me and made me feel soooooo belittled that I left the room and went in the bathroom and bawled my eyes out as quickly as possible since I get no hiding time EVER... so yea, I do hang my head down and walk away! It sure beats crying in public! So, I'm suddenly at a point in my life where I'm not wanting to cry over this argument. I'm now ready to bring the claws out and fight and not even really care! So, I'm now sitting at my desk snapping at him over EVERYTHING and then swearing under my breath saying how much of an arsehole he is!

End of episode 2 - 11/14/08 2:30pm

So, I'm now out of work and trying to figure out if I should start looking for a job NOW or after the New Year or if I should even bother at all. It seems like every time something like this happens, it blows over within a few days... sooooooo, I need your advice Blog-a-maniacs, do I look for a new job or not???? I've been here for ALMOST 5 years! That's a LONG time! Especially for someone like me with a fear of change!


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

All right, you asked for it. A very wise man, aka my former boss, told me that everyone should ALWAYS be looking for their next job, even if it is just to make sure they are getting everything they deserve at their current job. So there you go.

Besides, I get the feeling that you are being bullied by this guy - seems like that always happens with a big boss at a small-ish company - and that's not fair. You are better than that!!!

When in doubt, you just need to ask yourself...

What would the Fonz do?

Then do it.

~Heather~ said...

So...I finally found your BLOG and now I can follow you ( watch out!).

I would definitely look. And, I know you are. I hate that you haven't heard back from the "perfect" company. You definitely deserve a job better than the one you have.

Also, I believe it is always best to have your resume ready at every minute and as PSPansts says - always look. You never know what is out there. It's often easier to find a job while you have one.