Sunday, November 16, 2008

My life DVR'd

Life, like always, is hectic and crazy! But luckily for you, we have DVR! Ready? Set? REWIND!!!!!

Frantastical Fables Episode 1 - aired on Friday 11/7/2008 @ 12:02

Sitting at work playing a game of spades with whomever is available to speed the time since I now work 6.5 hours a day but only have about 3 hours of work. This time, it happened to be Rock.Starz.Rule when suddenly I get a text from my brother. It reads as follows:

him: May I call on you? And if so, is 'big boss man' or 'boss woman' there?
me: 'boss woman' is here but you can call

So, suddenly boss woman gets up and goes potty. SWEET!, I'm thinking, because now I don't have to worry about her moaning and groaning about me being on my cell phone. Next thing I know, the beep sounds telling us there is someone entering into the office. SHIT! Big Boss Man is here now and Big Brother is about to call! Wait! No slam! It's not Big Boss Man after all! Big Brother will be calling and there's a customer here now... Big Brother will have to wait! As I turn my back away from the stairs to get my cell so I can silence it, I suddenly hear "HERRRBBBIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

(PAUSE DVR.... back story time... way back when, about 3-4 years ago or so, I enter into work that morning and check the messages. Someone decided to call and leave a message that went something like this almost word for word in a faux nasally, southern voice:

Hi, my name's Herbie. Herbie Day Hancock and I have some REALLY bad gutters, if you know what I mean!

That caused a huge uproar in the office and something that is joked about now & then between Big Brother & I... now that back-story is told, lets hit PLAY)

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! Was that REALLY what I heard? I do a double take, and sure enough, Big Brother is standing at the top of my stairs! My heart skipped about 5 beats and I'm suddenly hugging him. HOW I got thru my desk is still a blur but I'm screaming and oh so excited to see Big Brother. I haven't seen him in about 3.5 years... When he came up for the Redneck Wedding (completely diff. story not avail on my DVR)... So, now I no longer want to be at work and am kinda ticked that I slacked off all day... I quickly finish up my work & leave an hour early...

Get outta work, we go to lunch. At this point he has already managed to heart attack mother and gramma... when we get back from lunch, its time to pick up the chirren... Princess looks at Big Brother with this weird, giddy look and says nothing... Angel comes in glances, gives a 'huh?' kinda look and says "Uncle Big Brother?" then gets all excited and starts jumping up and down yelling "Uncle Big Brother!!!!!!!" We leave daycare and hubby is home. All is exciting and happy go lucky hunky dory and we go to the Forbidden Place for dinner... You see, it's been probably about 3.5 years since Big Brother has had the Forbidden Place so that was where we HAD to go! And we had a BLAST!

I've decided that Big Brother is DEFINITELY my other half! I mean, he's about the only one who wouldn't mind going in public with me while I'm wearing my purple froggy capri jammies! He's the only one I know who would go with me to Toys R Us to play on the bouncy balls... Except I was disappointed that there were no bouncy balls... so much for singing Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious while bouncing... damn commercials lied to me! He's the only one I can watch RENT with and be able to cry and not feel embarrassed... The one I got to watch Phantom of the Opera with and appreciate it. We're like 2 peas in a pod... next thing I know, it's Thursday morning and he's leaving to head back to NH then Boston to go home. It was a great week!

End of Episode 1 - Thursday 11/13/08 2:00pm


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Thank you for taking good care of him while he was away. I know the relationship "brother/sister" beats GFF, but I do love that boy and therefore, I'm glad he is finally home. But I'm sad for you.

Simply Unpredictable said...

See -- now you know to expect the unexpected!

Next will be Hairspray :)