The dog is aggrevating me, the kids are grounded, and hubs is giving me a headache... it friggen snowed today, and not to mention the grandmother has called about 7 times today... all for the same reasonings... well, the first 2 sentances of each call were different but that was it.
Where to start? Lets see... we'll start with the most of my problems... right now, its that dang-nabbit dog! The stupid thing hurt his back leg a few days ago & he wont stay still which is increasing his stupid injury so now I'm gonna hafta cough up an arm & a leg tomorrow at the vet for them to pretty much not tell me anything... at least they could probably express him... he seems like he's about ready for that to happen again... not to mention he wont leave anything alone and he wont stop crying at the door to go outside because hubs is out there... OK, that was about an hour ago, but still... he's just aggravating me lately! And I SWEAR, he's doing it on purpose!
Now, we'll move on to the kids... I've been asking them and telling them... and hounding them to clean their damn room since before Christmas. Now, what you probably don't know is that we moved their toys from their room down unto the basement (for the most part) so ALL they had to clean up was trash, clothes, and the random toy... it's been OVER a friggen month and last Friday I gave them a deadline of Sunday to get it done or face the consequences. They doubted me so they're now grounded for the week. They have had days added on since then for being their horrible selves during grounding & not listening. So, they are grounded now up until Tuesday (that's their last day)... Wednesday if they don't get the room clean by the end of the day tomorrow, too!
I can't complain TOO much about hubs... Its just me taking it out on him... and he plays with the dog (did I mention the dog aggravating me?) LOUDLY while I'm on the phone with my grandmother (who's repeating herself for the gabillionth time) while she ACTUALLY says something that was new to me... WHILE I'm trying to put photos in order by date as close as possible.
Oh yea... photos! I somehow managed to inherit loads of photos... some from mother... some from dad... I don't know who's was who for the most part... let alone where most of them came from, but I FINALLY got them in albums and I was able to fit about 40 years or so into 1 album... FYI - If you plan on leaving me photos in your passing, make sure they're in albums already! I'm NOT interested in cronicalizing your life when I dont even know most of it! BUT, I've now made it to 1999... more specifically, the birth of my eldest brat... she was soooo stinkin adorable! I had to scan about 40 photos from 1999 so that I could get duplicates to be able to put in my album & her album so I should remember to post some of those pics on here another day when I'm blogging from my desktop...
Talking about that made me less frustrated! Or maybe its because everyone is in bed except for me... But, let me finish off my aggravations... It snowed today... I'm glad about that... I didn't go in to work. I told boss before he cut my hours that I will NOT come into work if school was cancelled and school WAS cancelled... however, I STILL got woken up at 7:15 by the mutt and then the kids woke up shortly after that so I didn't get much me-time, but it's OK... Hubs asked me if I could clean up the snow a bit before the ice came down... I vaguely remember nodding & humming that I would so I had no choice... I went out around 11:30 or so to do it & got back in the house at 1:00. Gramma called and asked if I was tired. I responded with "Did your grandson get a new job?" Where she said "I dunno, did he?" And I said "I don't know but I figured he must have gotten a new job because I'm sure he'd be out helping me if he wasn't working." And she laughed. Apparently she told him to go down & help shovel & he never did. And also, apparently he snuck out the house and off to the wife's house while I had my back turned to him and was clearing the path for the trash. Lazy ass bottom-feeder! UGH! He pisses me off, too!
Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed. I no longer feel the need to write this blog to begin with now... Good night!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A day of changes
Well, today was definitely a day of changes. It started out with the Presidential Inauguration. We now have a new President. An African American President even! Our next one will be woman! Today also happened to be my hair appointment... If you go back to my prior blog, you will see what I was looking for... then you can compare it to what I got...
Before we get into that, let me introduce you to a few 'before' pics...
me with straight hair
my hair all natural...
So, I arrive at Maria's and she decides to chop off all of that before she starts to color. We'd hate to waste the time coloring what's being cut anyways...
And we start to foil...
I feel like Cousin It. Maria sworn I wouldn't look like Cousin It when she was done with me. I told her I didn't mind as long as I didn't look like Uncle Fester.
Oh, look... all foiled!
And now I wait....
Rinsed & ready to cut...
snip snip
so far so good
make sure it's all even!
getting ready to style
Let's get you pretty
Hot Damn!
so pretty!
The new & improved me! Am I hot or what????? I am SOOOO excited about my hair! I LOVE it! I can't wait til I get seen in public to see what everyone thinks! Hubs kept telling me I was cute... Angel & Princess told me I looked weird... but in a good way LOLOL... And Max barked and tried to eat me, but I think that's because I was avoiding his stupid jumping and not giving him my undivided attention... No one else has seen it yet...
Before we get into that, let me introduce you to a few 'before' pics...

OK, I'm off to bed... Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite, see you tomorrow, see you on Wednesday, sweet dreams, luv u so much
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dag-nabbit furry scoundrels!
I'm telling you, I am giving up on furry creatures... they're nothing more than a pain in my ass! This has been one sore weekend! It started out on Saturday... Sir Max-a-lot decided to take a nap on the couch (one of his MANY favorite past times... I think just short of licking his ass...) and the kids are down in the basement playing and hubs is... well... lets just say he's the king & he was sitting on his throne... SOOOO, it's about 1:30 or so & I decide I should check the mail so I get up, open the hallway door and walk to the front porch. I'm just closing the mailbox cover and notice something in the corner of my eye. I look down & there's the sleeping dog... only, he's not sleeping anymore, he's sniffing... "MAX! Come on... In the house, lets go..." Oh, he went alright... down the steps and to the corner of the house... "Come on Max... lets get a cookie" I cooed. Cookie? Screw the cookie... I'm outside... LEASHLESS! FREEDOM... off he goes towards the back of the house so off I run THRU the house to try to catch him off guard... NOPE! Didn't work! Stupid dog! I chased that dog back & forth down the street & thru the yard then he took off down the driveway & down the street... I passed the mailman too... Stupid guy couldn't help me out at all! See if I leave HIM a card this Christmas! JERK! BUT, anyways... Max stops so I start creeping up on him... just about there... a few more inches... DAMN! He took off again! OH, did I tell you that I was shoeless? YUP! I had me no shoes... You DO know I live in New England, right? Also, in case you were wondering, there is snow on the ground... and ice... and people don't know how to clean up their sidewalks... so my feet are numb and I'm pissed off at this stupid ol' dog and now I'm yelling... I'm halfway up the street (really it's about 3 houses away from the 'busy intersection') and Max stops and I notice something coming up from behind me and I hear a shout... this isn't good because of the location of where I was standing... Max stands the hair up off his back and starts to growl and this is where I take my moment... I pounce onto Max & scoop him up, turn around and am relieved because the shout was to the very pretty silver/gray pitbull puppy instead of to the mean ol' boxer who tried to eat poor defenseless Max once before when he was just a baby! (I know, Max is 7 months old, he's still a baby but this was when Max still LOOKED like a baby... when he was about 16 weeks old or so... damn bastard boxer...) So, the guy yells over that she's just a puppy and I know this... I've seen her before... and I told him mine is too but mine is a jackass because he ran away... SO, NOW I'm walking up the street and I'm about 3 houses away from home and hubs got off the throne and came out searching for the dog... next time I'm going to let him go...
That was quite the ordeal and I can finally feel my toes... but, Hubs decided that I was mad at HIM instead of the dog (who woulda thought that? IDIOT...) and so he started getting all defensive at me and I wasn't going to listen to it so I went to Barnes & Noble and started on a new novel... my inspiration? Max... but then I leave and go to Bed Bath & Beyond... guess what? They don't believe in bookshelves there! So, I asked Mark if he wanted to take a road trip to CT to go to IKEA and he said sure... I'm thinking i don't have to see the stupid mutt anytime soon... yea, I'm still irked at this point... I get home, we get ready, we leave for what ended up being an almost 5 hour adventure LOL... didn't realize IKEA was almost 2 hours away... BUT, we pull in the driveway and hear the damn dog barking & crying & howling... UGH! he NEVER does that! He's SOOOOOO quiet in his crate, he must REALLY have to go potty... so I send hubs in while I wake the girls up... guess what people... Houdini escaped! YUP! He was crying because he was in the big ol house alone... in the dark... and he was all done chewing up plastic bags... His bowels are FINALLY back to normal... I THINK...
So, Sunday, I have a nice peaceful day... the dog & I haven't quite made up yet & he'd rather be with anyone BUT me but that wasn't quite an option at that moment but we made it and went to sleep...
Which brings me to today... I'm suddenly woken up to hubs leaning over me... dammit! It CAN'T be time for him to leave & me to get up yet... Its still SOOOO dark outside and the dog isn't crying to get out cuz he's up... "I think there's a mouse in the house," he says. GREAT! You wake me up because of a friggen mouse? How the hell do you expect me to go back to sleep NOW? "OK? What do you plan on doing?" I ask. So now he's sitting there leaning over me shining a flashlight into the corner... He sees nothing, I hear nothing & now I think he's just lost it... I'm going back to sleep, I'm tired... I roll over and start hearing a noise. DAMMIT! Hubs sits up and turns the flashlight back on... he's searching & searching... lights out... I start relaxing... movement... flashlight... dirty vicious cycle... but then he's like "I see it!" FABULOUS! There's a friggen mouse in my house... in MY bedroom of ALL places... I'm NOT a fan of mice or rats or any other rodents unless they come from a pet store and are in a cage... you know, an INVITED guest... So now I'm TRYING really hard to go back to sleep and I hear the movement again and hubs SOMEHOW was able to follow the noise... "He's in the kids' room," he says. Oh, thank GOD they slept over a friends house last night! This would NOT be going over so well if they were here... Thinking of which, wish me luck with telling them WHY their room is torn apart even more than before (altho, to me it looks like an improvement...) Princess will never sleep in her room again! Anyways, hubs gets up, starts walking to their room, and says "You're done now f*er!" MY HERO! All the while, I just want to go to sleep and I'm now thinking Screw it! Its ONLY a stinkin mouse... But then, I learn that its NOT a mouse... its a squirrel... a baby squirrel... a friggen FLYING squirrel... experienced that one before... NOT wanting to do that again... ESPECIALLY since THIS time its in MY house... not so funny like it was when we chased it around to rescue Mother... hell, I'm laughing my ass off right now thinking about that time upstairs! I even got pictures of that little guy... BUT, that little guy didn't show up & wake me up after 3am either... Hubs demands a little help *basically watch it & tell me where it goes*... SO, I watch him chase the damn thing around for a good 40 minutes before we FINALLY caught it... in a box up on top of the kids bookshelf and let me tell you, that critter was caught by pure LUCK! AND he was unharmed, too! Hubs let him outside and the little scoundrel took off running back to the side of the house... the Bastard best not try to sneak in again!
So... it's 4:20am and that'd give hubs an hour longer to sleep and we all know that if I even THOUGHT about going to sleep I wouldn't wake up... not to mention I'm wide awake now anyways and couldn't fall asleep now if I even tried so we both get up, let the happy-go-lucky Max out & we try to find something on TV... I'm starting to crash when hubs gets up to go shower but then he leaves AND that means I can turn on One Tree Hill! I watched 1.5 episodes, almost finished disc 3 of Season 1 and now I'm sitting at work with only 1/2 hour to go... What an adventurous morning! I need a vacation... and soup... I think I want soup for dinner tonight... cheeseburger chowder! YUM!
That was quite the ordeal and I can finally feel my toes... but, Hubs decided that I was mad at HIM instead of the dog (who woulda thought that? IDIOT...) and so he started getting all defensive at me and I wasn't going to listen to it so I went to Barnes & Noble and started on a new novel... my inspiration? Max... but then I leave and go to Bed Bath & Beyond... guess what? They don't believe in bookshelves there! So, I asked Mark if he wanted to take a road trip to CT to go to IKEA and he said sure... I'm thinking i don't have to see the stupid mutt anytime soon... yea, I'm still irked at this point... I get home, we get ready, we leave for what ended up being an almost 5 hour adventure LOL... didn't realize IKEA was almost 2 hours away... BUT, we pull in the driveway and hear the damn dog barking & crying & howling... UGH! he NEVER does that! He's SOOOOOO quiet in his crate, he must REALLY have to go potty... so I send hubs in while I wake the girls up... guess what people... Houdini escaped! YUP! He was crying because he was in the big ol house alone... in the dark... and he was all done chewing up plastic bags... His bowels are FINALLY back to normal... I THINK...
So, Sunday, I have a nice peaceful day... the dog & I haven't quite made up yet & he'd rather be with anyone BUT me but that wasn't quite an option at that moment but we made it and went to sleep...
Which brings me to today... I'm suddenly woken up to hubs leaning over me... dammit! It CAN'T be time for him to leave & me to get up yet... Its still SOOOO dark outside and the dog isn't crying to get out cuz he's up... "I think there's a mouse in the house," he says. GREAT! You wake me up because of a friggen mouse? How the hell do you expect me to go back to sleep NOW? "OK? What do you plan on doing?" I ask. So now he's sitting there leaning over me shining a flashlight into the corner... He sees nothing, I hear nothing & now I think he's just lost it... I'm going back to sleep, I'm tired... I roll over and start hearing a noise. DAMMIT! Hubs sits up and turns the flashlight back on... he's searching & searching... lights out... I start relaxing... movement... flashlight... dirty vicious cycle... but then he's like "I see it!" FABULOUS! There's a friggen mouse in my house... in MY bedroom of ALL places... I'm NOT a fan of mice or rats or any other rodents unless they come from a pet store and are in a cage... you know, an INVITED guest... So now I'm TRYING really hard to go back to sleep and I hear the movement again and hubs SOMEHOW was able to follow the noise... "He's in the kids' room," he says. Oh, thank GOD they slept over a friends house last night! This would NOT be going over so well if they were here... Thinking of which, wish me luck with telling them WHY their room is torn apart even more than before (altho, to me it looks like an improvement...) Princess will never sleep in her room again! Anyways, hubs gets up, starts walking to their room, and says "You're done now f*er!" MY HERO! All the while, I just want to go to sleep and I'm now thinking Screw it! Its ONLY a stinkin mouse... But then, I learn that its NOT a mouse... its a squirrel... a baby squirrel... a friggen FLYING squirrel... experienced that one before... NOT wanting to do that again... ESPECIALLY since THIS time its in MY house... not so funny like it was when we chased it around to rescue Mother... hell, I'm laughing my ass off right now thinking about that time upstairs! I even got pictures of that little guy... BUT, that little guy didn't show up & wake me up after 3am either... Hubs demands a little help *basically watch it & tell me where it goes*... SO, I watch him chase the damn thing around for a good 40 minutes before we FINALLY caught it... in a box up on top of the kids bookshelf and let me tell you, that critter was caught by pure LUCK! AND he was unharmed, too! Hubs let him outside and the little scoundrel took off running back to the side of the house... the Bastard best not try to sneak in again!
So... it's 4:20am and that'd give hubs an hour longer to sleep and we all know that if I even THOUGHT about going to sleep I wouldn't wake up... not to mention I'm wide awake now anyways and couldn't fall asleep now if I even tried so we both get up, let the happy-go-lucky Max out & we try to find something on TV... I'm starting to crash when hubs gets up to go shower but then he leaves AND that means I can turn on One Tree Hill! I watched 1.5 episodes, almost finished disc 3 of Season 1 and now I'm sitting at work with only 1/2 hour to go... What an adventurous morning! I need a vacation... and soup... I think I want soup for dinner tonight... cheeseburger chowder! YUM!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
well, THIS can't be good...
OK, y'all... remember the Perfect Company that I applied to? Well... the listing is STILL on their website and I have yet to get a call back... BUT, to make it worse, that same position was posted onto on 1/12/09... THAT can't be good, can it?
on a completely DIFFERENT note, I go in 2 days for my cut & color & hubs is convinced I'm going blond... he saw the box in the bathroom & doesn't believe me that that is mother's stuff... boy, he's surely in for a surprise...
on a completely DIFFERENT note, I go in 2 days for my cut & color & hubs is convinced I'm going blond... he saw the box in the bathroom & doesn't believe me that that is mother's stuff... boy, he's surely in for a surprise...
Monday, January 12, 2009
time for a new me...
So, I have an appointment for a cut & color on the 20th so I need to find a newlook. I THINK I found it but I need to know what you all think. This is my current hair, Au Natural:

And THIS is me with straight hair:

And THIS is me with straight hair:

And THIS is me with only the help of moose:

Now that you've seen my hair, normally I just throw it up in a ponytail & run out the door. THAT is because I work for the crappy company... BUT, with the job hunt happening, I want something that I can either spend a little bit more time with and go straight, or stick with the moose and go curly ALL while it still looks professional enough for a fabulous company... AND still be able to toss up in a pony when softball comes back around... SOOOOOOOOO I was thinking of THIS:

BUT I don't want those colors... I want the color to look like this:

So... tell me... is that hot or WHAT???? I LOVE it... BUT, would it work for me? That's where you come in... my 3 fabulous followers... would that cut with the chosen colors look fab or drab on me?????

Now that you've seen my hair, normally I just throw it up in a ponytail & run out the door. THAT is because I work for the crappy company... BUT, with the job hunt happening, I want something that I can either spend a little bit more time with and go straight, or stick with the moose and go curly ALL while it still looks professional enough for a fabulous company... AND still be able to toss up in a pony when softball comes back around... SOOOOOOOOO I was thinking of THIS:

BUT I don't want those colors... I want the color to look like this:

So... tell me... is that hot or WHAT???? I LOVE it... BUT, would it work for me? That's where you come in... my 3 fabulous followers... would that cut with the chosen colors look fab or drab on me?????
Saturday, January 10, 2009
oops... I did it again...
I went to another basketball game... I found out that yesterday's game was their 2nd win... they pretty much suck... WELLLLLLL.... today... they... ummm... well, I'll let you see for yourself... they were the guests:

YUP! They kicked BUTT!!!!!!!! And Twinkle Toes ALMOST made a basket! So now they're 3 wins & LOTS of losses... I think I'm going to keep going until he makes a basket...
OK, I'm off to read my book but I'll leave u with an adorable pic of the lazy mutt:

YUP! They kicked BUTT!!!!!!!! And Twinkle Toes ALMOST made a basket! So now they're 3 wins & LOTS of losses... I think I'm going to keep going until he makes a basket...
OK, I'm off to read my book but I'll leave u with an adorable pic of the lazy mutt:

Friday, January 9, 2009
photo test - final take
sooo... now I'll give you a show from photobucket... 1 of 2 things will happen... either I'll get pics thru-out my text or I'll have a page full of mumbo-jumbo that means nothing... here goes...
This SHOULD be a picture of my wonderful brother showing off part of his banana suit... notice the mullet?:

In this photo, my mother decided to use a whole roll of film on us in 1 day & I guess figured it'd be sufficient for... well... the rest of our lives? But, I must say, I WAS pretty darned cute:

This was Thanksgiving 1986 I was 5:

And this was taken at wonderful brother's college graduation... can you believe I was 3 months preggers there?

so, the sad thing is that I THINK I figured this out & if I did, I'm gonna HATE to have to take ANOTHER step just to add pics in my blog... any suggestions of easier ways or is this it for me???
This SHOULD be a picture of my wonderful brother showing off part of his banana suit... notice the mullet?:

In this photo, my mother decided to use a whole roll of film on us in 1 day & I guess figured it'd be sufficient for... well... the rest of our lives? But, I must say, I WAS pretty darned cute:

This was Thanksgiving 1986 I was 5:

And this was taken at wonderful brother's college graduation... can you believe I was 3 months preggers there?

so, the sad thing is that I THINK I figured this out & if I did, I'm gonna HATE to have to take ANOTHER step just to add pics in my blog... any suggestions of easier ways or is this it for me???

OK so this is just to see if I figured out how to add a picture so I can start blogging on my desktop which is loaded with pictures LOL... so, I have a very small amount of pictures on my laptop (which is very few and I'm not sure WHAT is on here...) so here goes:
well... I THOUGHT that maybe the pics would show up underneath my writing... but I guess not... that is our trip to Boston the summer of 2007... doesnt my fam look oh-so-cute? Those are all cellphone pics... maybe I'll post a few more blogs with a few more pics to see if I can learn this thing after all!
who woulda thunk?
OK, so anyone who knows me knows I HATE basketball. I think it is the most pathetic sport ever. I mean, seriously... it was only invented so a bunch of over sized goons in redonkulous sized feet could feel better about themselves... but anyways, my nephew is on a basketball team... he's 10... or is he 11? I can't remember. But, his mother sent a text a few weeks back telling us about his 1st game and if anyone wanted to go. I told her I'd make it to one of his games one of these days... I had to find out when hubby wanted to go... I wasn't going to torture myself to basketball all by myself...
Anyways, I had spoke to her yesterday (I think *I speak to her almost daily at the school*) and she said he had a game today, tomorrow, & Monday. I told her to text me the times of the games & I'll try to make it to one of them, I had to talk to hubs 1st. I spoke to hubs & he said he'd go with me (THANK GAWD!) and so I said we'd talk about which one we'd go to later when he got home... Well... guess what, I decided we'd go to tonight's game because a) I could get it over with; b) we had nothing planned for the day; c) it's not in the middle of the day (tomorrow at noon); and d) I don't have to worry about the kids needing to hurry up and get ready for school the next morning...
SOOOOO... I head off into the car with Princess while Angel watched Hubs finish beautifying hisself... I'm thinking we're going to be late and have NO parking and have to walk in the blistering cold freezing our asses off but we get there with about 2 minutes to spare. There's this BIG-ASS brick pillar that is in our view of 1/2 the court. Really fun... especially since, well... I HATE basketball... so, here I am doing my 'good aunt' deed and torturing myself with basketball, however... I consider it an excuse to take pictures (I'm a picture whore! *I took 172 pictures during a 2 hour birthday party once*) and find out that my Sugar Daddy is ref-ing the game... added bonus!
OK, so... the game starts, we're like a minute in & the whistle blows, ref says something & I'm like "what?" and hubs says "carrying"... sure, if he says so.... what ever the hell THAT means... so the game continues on and the whistle goes again & so, again, I'm like "what?" but this time sister -in-law-in-law says "traveling", yea, sure... if you say so... i thought that was carrying... hubs attempts to tell me what a carry is & I realize that that wasn't what I thought it was after all LOL... so that's when I look down & realize that my nephew isn't even playing at that time. Time to put the camera away... I'm thinking I wasted my time... then sister-in-law-in-law says that they'll be putting subs in in about 20 seconds. "So that's when *said nephew* will be playing?" I asked. "Yup," said she. GREAT!
So, buzzer rings & nephew enters the game... it was DEFINITELY entertaining... can I tell you... nephew runs on his tippy-toes. AND... he gets mad & he hunches his shoulders and suddenly looks like he could charge you like a bull... wayyyyyy too funny since he has this look of a kid who's pretty much a dweeby-wimp (true story... he's such a dork!) But anyways, I'm snapping pics every now & then and trying to figure out what the hell all these fouls are for and Princess announces that she has to go potty. I told her she had to wait 5 minutes until half-time break and I'd bring her... so she went & sat with hubs.
Half-time came - score was 10 them, 6 us... wasn't really looking good since their 10 came EASILY and our 6 looked like total LUCKY shots! I mean, we couldn't even get a free-throw! So, Princess gets her potty break and the game starts again. A friend of Angel's was there becuz her brother was on the opposite team and Angel & Princess wanted to go play with her so I told them to get lost (they were still in my eye-sight, just not up my ass anymore) So now, I'm finally kinda understanding the game and Twinkle Toes finally gets the ball... woo hoo! Go Twinkle Toes... whistle blows... WHAT the hell happened now? Traveling... Good old Twinkle Toes, if you didn't run on your tippy-toes, you'd be able to stop once you got the ball so you could dribble.
Anyways, this really short kid (which surprises me, cuz aren't you supposed to be over sized to be able to play? this kid was the shortest THERE) shows up outta nowhere *really I think he was just hidden behind all the normal sized players* and makes a basket... YES! suddenly we come back & the score is 10-10 and then our team gets another chance at free throws... he gets 2. First shot... bounce... bounce... position... roll the ball.... shoot.... miss... DAMN! second shot... bounce... roll the ball... position... roll the ball.... rock back and forth... roll the ball... aim... roll the ball... aim... throw... WHOOSH!!! 11-10 us... THAT'S the point that's going to win the game... suddenly I'm into the game, so what if I don't like it, we're winning! I'm watching these little kids run back and forth... suddenly Twinkle Toes gets the ball again and we're like THROW IT TWINKLE TOES (except we used his real name) and a little brat stole it from him... crap! other team comes back & scores... now we're losing again... then, outta nowhere, you remember that really short kid I told you about earlier in this paragraph? He comes back and he scores a basket... then the other team grabs the ball & they're going back & forth on the court.. and Twinkle Toes gets the ball again & we're like THROW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he throws it... I'm on the edge of my seat... he missed it... hubs said if he gave it a little more UMPH, it woulda went in (see, I told you twinkle toes was dweeby) and that's when I told sister-in-law-in-law that even though I don't like basketball, I was about to jump up outta my seat & cheer like crazy if Twinkle Toes got it in. She said she was going to as well... LOL...
Anyways, we're coming down to the last 2 minutes and its a very close game... we're losing... but then shorty & another kid show up and go back & forth hogging the ball but they scored... then again... so now the score is 19-16 us... HOLY CRAP! GET THAT DAMN BALL AWAY FROM THEM!!!! THEY'RE GOING TO SCORE! OH MY GOD! LETS GO DEFENSE... finally our team is able to get the ball away from the other team without them scoring any... our team has the ball they're coming up court... we yell SLOW IT DOWN THE COURT... I guess you only get 3 seconds in a box... it'd suck to have to give the ball up... so he's slowly doing it... then the other team gets the ball again... I'm like CRAP! Then the countdown starts... 3...2...1... BUZZZZZZZZ WOO HOO!!!!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEA!
I'm suddenly clapping like crazy, screaming, and clapping like a huge fan... you never woulda guessed I hate basketball... I think it's OK when its played by kids... they're cute... not over sized goons... yet... so, maybe I will go back tomorrow... we'll see...
Anyways, while I was writing this blog, my wonderful brother kept tweeting me asking me to announce his embarrassing childhood... so, I brought up the dum dum experience and come to find out, EVERYONE already knows that... but I wonder if he tells the WHOLE story... the part where he sticks his hand in for the dum dum AS the toilet is flushing, not after everything was down the septic... so I bring up his banana suit and his dweebiness and how he got beat up by a girl... the next blog I do, I should make it a tribute to his childhood... and yes, you have permission to do the same about me!
It's now 9pm, I'm off to watch How Its Made to see hubs! He's gonna be FAMOUS!!!!!!! Well, sorta...
Anyways, I had spoke to her yesterday (I think *I speak to her almost daily at the school*) and she said he had a game today, tomorrow, & Monday. I told her to text me the times of the games & I'll try to make it to one of them, I had to talk to hubs 1st. I spoke to hubs & he said he'd go with me (THANK GAWD!) and so I said we'd talk about which one we'd go to later when he got home... Well... guess what, I decided we'd go to tonight's game because a) I could get it over with; b) we had nothing planned for the day; c) it's not in the middle of the day (tomorrow at noon); and d) I don't have to worry about the kids needing to hurry up and get ready for school the next morning...
SOOOOO... I head off into the car with Princess while Angel watched Hubs finish beautifying hisself... I'm thinking we're going to be late and have NO parking and have to walk in the blistering cold freezing our asses off but we get there with about 2 minutes to spare. There's this BIG-ASS brick pillar that is in our view of 1/2 the court. Really fun... especially since, well... I HATE basketball... so, here I am doing my 'good aunt' deed and torturing myself with basketball, however... I consider it an excuse to take pictures (I'm a picture whore! *I took 172 pictures during a 2 hour birthday party once*) and find out that my Sugar Daddy is ref-ing the game... added bonus!
OK, so... the game starts, we're like a minute in & the whistle blows, ref says something & I'm like "what?" and hubs says "carrying"... sure, if he says so.... what ever the hell THAT means... so the game continues on and the whistle goes again & so, again, I'm like "what?" but this time sister -in-law-in-law says "traveling", yea, sure... if you say so... i thought that was carrying... hubs attempts to tell me what a carry is & I realize that that wasn't what I thought it was after all LOL... so that's when I look down & realize that my nephew isn't even playing at that time. Time to put the camera away... I'm thinking I wasted my time... then sister-in-law-in-law says that they'll be putting subs in in about 20 seconds. "So that's when *said nephew* will be playing?" I asked. "Yup," said she. GREAT!
So, buzzer rings & nephew enters the game... it was DEFINITELY entertaining... can I tell you... nephew runs on his tippy-toes. AND... he gets mad & he hunches his shoulders and suddenly looks like he could charge you like a bull... wayyyyyy too funny since he has this look of a kid who's pretty much a dweeby-wimp (true story... he's such a dork!) But anyways, I'm snapping pics every now & then and trying to figure out what the hell all these fouls are for and Princess announces that she has to go potty. I told her she had to wait 5 minutes until half-time break and I'd bring her... so she went & sat with hubs.
Half-time came - score was 10 them, 6 us... wasn't really looking good since their 10 came EASILY and our 6 looked like total LUCKY shots! I mean, we couldn't even get a free-throw! So, Princess gets her potty break and the game starts again. A friend of Angel's was there becuz her brother was on the opposite team and Angel & Princess wanted to go play with her so I told them to get lost (they were still in my eye-sight, just not up my ass anymore) So now, I'm finally kinda understanding the game and Twinkle Toes finally gets the ball... woo hoo! Go Twinkle Toes... whistle blows... WHAT the hell happened now? Traveling... Good old Twinkle Toes, if you didn't run on your tippy-toes, you'd be able to stop once you got the ball so you could dribble.
Anyways, this really short kid (which surprises me, cuz aren't you supposed to be over sized to be able to play? this kid was the shortest THERE) shows up outta nowhere *really I think he was just hidden behind all the normal sized players* and makes a basket... YES! suddenly we come back & the score is 10-10 and then our team gets another chance at free throws... he gets 2. First shot... bounce... bounce... position... roll the ball.... shoot.... miss... DAMN! second shot... bounce... roll the ball... position... roll the ball.... rock back and forth... roll the ball... aim... roll the ball... aim... throw... WHOOSH!!! 11-10 us... THAT'S the point that's going to win the game... suddenly I'm into the game, so what if I don't like it, we're winning! I'm watching these little kids run back and forth... suddenly Twinkle Toes gets the ball again and we're like THROW IT TWINKLE TOES (except we used his real name) and a little brat stole it from him... crap! other team comes back & scores... now we're losing again... then, outta nowhere, you remember that really short kid I told you about earlier in this paragraph? He comes back and he scores a basket... then the other team grabs the ball & they're going back & forth on the court.. and Twinkle Toes gets the ball again & we're like THROW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he throws it... I'm on the edge of my seat... he missed it... hubs said if he gave it a little more UMPH, it woulda went in (see, I told you twinkle toes was dweeby) and that's when I told sister-in-law-in-law that even though I don't like basketball, I was about to jump up outta my seat & cheer like crazy if Twinkle Toes got it in. She said she was going to as well... LOL...
Anyways, we're coming down to the last 2 minutes and its a very close game... we're losing... but then shorty & another kid show up and go back & forth hogging the ball but they scored... then again... so now the score is 19-16 us... HOLY CRAP! GET THAT DAMN BALL AWAY FROM THEM!!!! THEY'RE GOING TO SCORE! OH MY GOD! LETS GO DEFENSE... finally our team is able to get the ball away from the other team without them scoring any... our team has the ball they're coming up court... we yell SLOW IT DOWN THE COURT... I guess you only get 3 seconds in a box... it'd suck to have to give the ball up... so he's slowly doing it... then the other team gets the ball again... I'm like CRAP! Then the countdown starts... 3...2...1... BUZZZZZZZZ WOO HOO!!!!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEA!
I'm suddenly clapping like crazy, screaming, and clapping like a huge fan... you never woulda guessed I hate basketball... I think it's OK when its played by kids... they're cute... not over sized goons... yet... so, maybe I will go back tomorrow... we'll see...
Anyways, while I was writing this blog, my wonderful brother kept tweeting me asking me to announce his embarrassing childhood... so, I brought up the dum dum experience and come to find out, EVERYONE already knows that... but I wonder if he tells the WHOLE story... the part where he sticks his hand in for the dum dum AS the toilet is flushing, not after everything was down the septic... so I bring up his banana suit and his dweebiness and how he got beat up by a girl... the next blog I do, I should make it a tribute to his childhood... and yes, you have permission to do the same about me!
It's now 9pm, I'm off to watch How Its Made to see hubs! He's gonna be FAMOUS!!!!!!! Well, sorta...
smply unprdctble,
things i hate,
things i love
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