And THIS is me with straight hair:

And THIS is me with only the help of moose:

Now that you've seen my hair, normally I just throw it up in a ponytail & run out the door. THAT is because I work for the crappy company... BUT, with the job hunt happening, I want something that I can either spend a little bit more time with and go straight, or stick with the moose and go curly ALL while it still looks professional enough for a fabulous company... AND still be able to toss up in a pony when softball comes back around... SOOOOOOOOO I was thinking of THIS:

BUT I don't want those colors... I want the color to look like this:

So... tell me... is that hot or WHAT???? I LOVE it... BUT, would it work for me? That's where you come in... my 3 fabulous followers... would that cut with the chosen colors look fab or drab on me?????

Now that you've seen my hair, normally I just throw it up in a ponytail & run out the door. THAT is because I work for the crappy company... BUT, with the job hunt happening, I want something that I can either spend a little bit more time with and go straight, or stick with the moose and go curly ALL while it still looks professional enough for a fabulous company... AND still be able to toss up in a pony when softball comes back around... SOOOOOOOOO I was thinking of THIS:

BUT I don't want those colors... I want the color to look like this:

So... tell me... is that hot or WHAT???? I LOVE it... BUT, would it work for me? That's where you come in... my 3 fabulous followers... would that cut with the chosen colors look fab or drab on me?????
So Fran...I love the cut AND the color's you have chosen. I say go for it 100%.
And I think those colors would brighten you up. Your current hair doesn't have enough dimension for you. Just my opinion...
I haven't cut my hair in... ummm.... shit, I don't even remember... that would explain the lack of dimension (whatever that means LOL)
Everyone loves long hair, but the truth is when it starts to get too long it gets stringy looking at the ends and lifeless. You are too young for lifeless!
Bringing up the length and putting dimensional color in will brighten you up (I said that before) and make you look hip and smart!
i haven't got my hair cut in for-friggen-ever cuz Maria is practically IMPOSSIBLE to get an appointment with unless you are oh-so-flexible and when I was able to see her, I didn't have the $$$ SO I just never went... when u have kids, you spend your $$$ on them b4 yourself, kwim?
However, i think its going to take a lot more than a hairdo to make me look hip...
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