Friday, December 12, 2008

It's Christmas!

At least here at the office it is... you see, Big Boss Man & wife are heading to FL on Monday til March (which means I get laid off, but, I digress... I'm OK as long as unemployment will roll in again... and/or a new job comes my way...) SOOOOOOOO... we had to celebrate Christmas... early... I started out by getting them an ornament back in like January or something like that... it cost me a whole whopping $.15 or so! I figured if I wasn't working here still I would just pass it off to someone else... Well, Big Boss Man's wife comes in today with my gift... they got me the most awesomest froggy ornaments and once I figure out how to add photos to blogs I SOOOOO will... oh, and they got me... ready? a $25 gift cert to... wait for it... BARNES & NOBLE! I LOVES ME some Barnes & Noble!!!!!!!!!!! It was the best Christmas EVER!!! (Shut up! I KNOW I say that every year!) SO, I felt bad and ran to dunkin donuts during lunch & got them a donut ornament and a gift card... pretty crappy tho... you can't top the froggy ornaments OR Barnes & Noble!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The end of a chapter...

Today was Jeanne's funeral. Big Boss Man was nice enough to give me a few hours off of work so I could go (THANK YOU BIG BOSS MAN!!!!!!) It started out as awkward at the funeral home... Especially when I was the 2nd called to pay my respects and I didn't really want to... I wanted to sneak out as quickly as possible... I had seen her yesterday and I didn't like it. BUT, I did the right thing... I paid my respects and walked out to my car.

We made our way to the church (right next door, but we had to drive anyways LOL) where we had a full Mass for her. I broke down and cried when they brought her down. Then I cried again when they brought her back up the aisle. All the time between that, I was able to hold back the tears but my heart ached. It ached for everyone in that room mourning the loss of Jeanne. Did I say yet, that I felt awkward? Well, that awkwardness continued onto the church. You see, I'm not Catholic. Well, I was baptised Catholic as a baby. But that's as far as it goes. Its funny how I can't recite the Lord's Prayer, but it flowed outta my lips so easily tho. Then, we had to turn around to everyone & shake hands or hug & say "Peace be with you"... AWKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So then, Mass ended.... and all that up & down, up & down, up & down I had to do did a toll on my bladder... I had to PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... so, I stood in line at the bathroom... and waited.... and waited... and waited... finally it was my turn... so I went & peed... and peed... and peed... I'm telling you, this pee was WORSE than Black Friday after 4 LARGE coffees and an hour wait for the store to open... it was CRAZY! It WOULDN'T end! Luckily for me, I was the last car to drive to go to the cemetery... I'm walking out the church and people are laughing at me, I kinda almost wanted to take a bow & wave but decided it wasn't the time or the place... so, I got in my car...

We're driving to the cemetery now *oh, did I tell you my sis-in-law drove with me?* and jerk-faced people are suddenly just cutting in front of the line of cars with these loverly little purple flags on top all clearly written out with the word FUNERAL on them but, I digress, we're now driving to the cemetery, me the last of the line... We pull in and the boys (not so much, but u get the idea) are carrying the casket over and the Priest is saying the final prayer for her and I start to bawl again... I thought I was all out of tears, guess not... I bawled & bawled & bawled... Then I feel better... suddenly, Jeanne's ancient mother gets up and walks over (with help) and placed a carnation upon the casket. Then more family get carnations and say goodbye. Suddenly I start crying again. This time, I'm not crying for my own sorrow. I'm crying for them. Because THEY just lost THEIR loved one. Because I know that the void in their heart they are feeling will never go away. It will feel lighter but it will always be there!

Everyone leaves the cemetery. I leave and run home. Let the Max out to piddle and made him go back in his crate. We then *in separate cars now* make our way to the Legion for the get-together there. I walk in & Mother is there. UGH! She's awfully disrespectful and ignorant and I wished she had been at the other bar instead... But, I go in and walk past her as quickly as possible saying as little as allowed... we eat and now I have to return back to work. I say good-bye to all and notice that there is dessert out now. Zoom in on the cake... the cake with LOADS of frosting... now, anyone who knows me, KNOWS that frosting, to me, is better than sex! SOOOOOOOO I ate frosting... lots and lots of frosting.

I'm now back at work (for a couple more minutes) and my belly hurts. I am wayyy too stuffed. I said my farewell to Jeanne and did the best I could to help comfort her family members I knew and we are all starting a new chapter in our life. The next chapter is the chapter where we live our life with the memories we have of Jeanne and remember her for how she was before her short lived residency on her death bed. Rest In Peace Jeanne! We love you!

Now, I go home, feel better, eat nothing, and bowl my brains out tonight! This night is for you Jeanne!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's happening again....

I'm gonna be getting laid off again! Sooner this year than last year too... especially since "last year" is still this year... you see, I got laid off in January, but with severence... til mid-year where I got brought back on the books but only part time. I'm now currently working up to 32 hours a week and have been for about a month now... Boss is thinking about heading to FL like this week or next week til March... a good 2-3 weeks earlier then normal... I'll be getting laid off at that same time, I'm certain of it! If not, it'll be within the week of it...

I applied to Perfect Company and have yet to hear back... they still have job posted on website... I can ONLY hope that they dont plan on hiring til after the holidays...

Wish me luck guys!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Well, where do I begin? lets see here...

1) RIP Jeanne L! You were a great wife & wonderful mother & loving grandmother. You will definitely be missed, but like your family said, We will see you again up there!

2) Hubs - thank you so much for going to the hospital Saturday... I know it was hard for you cuz of your mom... I KNOW it meant SO much to Scotty & it meant a BUNCH to me too! I LOVE YOU!

3) Princess is sooooo funny! Driving down the street, we see Nativity scene. "Look mommy! There's baby Jesus! And Mary! And Jophes!" "It's Joseph, honey." "I KNOW! That's what I said, Jophes!" TOOOOOO cute! LOVE YOU!!!

4) Angel, you definitely ARE an angel! You are way to sweet and perfect! I can't thank God enough for you!

And THAT is what I'm dedicating this post to! All the things I am thankful to God for. Sometimes I wonder why I bother with the way my life is going then something happens and God makes me see why I do it. So, Dear Lord, (and all else who reads this) I am thankful for the following (NOT in any particular order):

1) Angel
2) Princess
3) Hubby
4) Smply
5) Nanny
6) My life
7) Max
8) My dear Daddy - RIP
9) food on the table
10) clothes on mine & fam's back
11) a job
12) friends
13) my Katie-kins (she's MORE than JUST a friend! She's the BEST!)
14) Mother (shocking, I know!)
15) Music - it's about as powerful as reality

I know I don't post often and I will have a blog run through my mind but never make it on here, so know that I'm also thankful for you all for tolerating my lack of postings!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The search is on...

I played hooky from work today. Angel had a fever and uber stuffy nose... She's still congested but I think, for the most part, her fever is done with. I spent the day searching for a new job. I found 6 potentials but 1 that I really, REALLY want! It's Admin Assistant for VP. I am currently AA for P but its such a small company that I can easily be confused with receptionist. I need to figure out Outlook tho. That's a requirement. I fiddled around with PowerPoint today and I THINK I got that... but I can't think of anything that I'd ever need PowerPoint for in everyday life so I don't know what else I'd use PowerPoint for aside from the templated slide show that I created (I even threw in a chart!) Outlook seems easy enough but I can't figure out how to put my email in it so I can't move forward. I thought I did but apparently it wasn't right because it wouldn't let me send any emails...

Oh well... time to get ready to pick Princess up from school...


Monday, November 17, 2008

It's official... I HATE my job!

OK, it's official. I HATE my job! I don't think there's anything that could happen to make me change my mind now... short of a $5/hour raise & that's the funniest thing I've heard all day!

I figured the tension would be gone come Monday morning like it normally is but he's STILL acting like an arrogant prick! SOOOO, I'm hardly speaking to him. I hope he chokes on his guilt of being a jerk! Its so bad that even McDonalds looks good!

Anyone wanna hire me???? (or at least view my resume and tell me what to do TO hire me????)

My life DVR'd Episode 2

Ready? Set? REWIND!!!!!

Frantastical Fables Episode 2 - aired on Friday 11/14/2008 @ 2:00ish pm

Big Boss Man (BBM) is such a jackass! I don't know if I like him or not anymore! It all started around 7:45am *insert wavy lines to show back story*

BBM's brother-in-law, we'll call him Bob, wait, not redneck enough... we'll call him Billy Bob... OK, so Billy Bob walks in with a yellow delivery slip.
BBM: What's that?
Billy Bob: *Insert supplier's name here* just brought a door.
ME: *thinking to myself* CRAP! I forgot to write it up on the board that it was coming in, oh well... go with the flow... *walks over and grabs the delivery slip from Billy Bob*
ME: Yea, that's So&So's door...
BBM: So&So?
ME: Yea, remember the pain in the ass who changed the door 5 times in 3 minutes?
BBM: Oh, them... lemme see... maybe you can go and install that door today, Billy Bob.
Billy Bob: *breathing heavily like he's in a deep sleep* mmmhmph
BBM: *reaches over and grabs a clipboard* Why isn't he on the clipboard?
ME: *looks over at boards then down at him* ummm... that's the window clipboard, not the doors clipboard *tries to squeeze thru to get it but a) I'm too fat becuz b) he is pushed back too close to the wall for me to get by so I stop*
BBM: I'll grab it *takes contract off clipboard and turns to confirmation order sheet*

So, now, NOTE that I have the delivery sheet and HE has his order sheet, I'm standing next to him while he's sitting. Billy Bob is standing in front of the desk looking like a gorilla like usual...

ME: OK, its a Jeldwen s530
BBM: Yup
ME: Size is... ummm... three-oh by six-eight
BBM: What's the hinge?
ME: Ummm... its uh, right hinge swing in
BBM: PERFECT! *grabs phone and calls homeowner... Door is ready to be installed*
BBM: *hands billy bob the contract* Take a copy of this and leave it on her desk to bill. You can install the door after 10am.
Billy Bob: OK *then walks out the door*

*INSERT wavy lines again... present time* Do you see where this is going? Not yet? Well, lets go back to approximately 10:30ish am

ME: Good morning, Crap Job
Billy Bob: (OK, I'm going to be honest. I don't remember this convo word for word so I'll just get to the gist of it) The door don't fit
ME: WHAT? Well, that figures.
Billy Bob: Yea, *insert Supplier name here* screwed up because its written right on the order slip that Big Boss Man does.
ME: Wait, you SEEN that, right? BBM was the one that checked that, right???
Billy Bob: Yup, I seen it.
Me: Yea, but watch... It'll STILL be my fault... it's ALWAYS my fault!
Billy Bob: *laughs*
We finish up the convo. I proceed to tell Boss Lady that it'll be my fault even tho I never seen the paper...

*Insert wavy lines - back to 2:00ish pm*
I'm not even going to enter in all the word for word convos now... It went something like this. BBM walks in the office, I'm finishing up my work. My 6.5 hours are almost done... I'm wanting to leave cuz, well, it's Friday and I got things to do... So, anyways, BBM comes up and says how I didn't check the door before it went out to get installed. I told him that I couldn't check something I didn't have and we argued for a while back & forth about that... he insisted the entire 20 minutes that this went on that he never seen the paper to know the size was wrong... even when I TOLD him in DETAIL how it happened, he still said he had nothing to do with it so I told him I'd argue with him til I was blue in the face because I KNEW I was right & I flat out asked him why he just couldn't admit that he was wrong, for just ONCE in his life! He then says something along the lines of how I never admit when I'm wrong. I tell him how untrue that is and he says that I never admit it, I just look down and walk away... well, rewind... the last time that happened was because he yelled at me and made me feel soooooo belittled that I left the room and went in the bathroom and bawled my eyes out as quickly as possible since I get no hiding time EVER... so yea, I do hang my head down and walk away! It sure beats crying in public! So, I'm suddenly at a point in my life where I'm not wanting to cry over this argument. I'm now ready to bring the claws out and fight and not even really care! So, I'm now sitting at my desk snapping at him over EVERYTHING and then swearing under my breath saying how much of an arsehole he is!

End of episode 2 - 11/14/08 2:30pm

So, I'm now out of work and trying to figure out if I should start looking for a job NOW or after the New Year or if I should even bother at all. It seems like every time something like this happens, it blows over within a few days... sooooooo, I need your advice Blog-a-maniacs, do I look for a new job or not???? I've been here for ALMOST 5 years! That's a LONG time! Especially for someone like me with a fear of change!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My life DVR'd

Life, like always, is hectic and crazy! But luckily for you, we have DVR! Ready? Set? REWIND!!!!!

Frantastical Fables Episode 1 - aired on Friday 11/7/2008 @ 12:02

Sitting at work playing a game of spades with whomever is available to speed the time since I now work 6.5 hours a day but only have about 3 hours of work. This time, it happened to be Rock.Starz.Rule when suddenly I get a text from my brother. It reads as follows:

him: May I call on you? And if so, is 'big boss man' or 'boss woman' there?
me: 'boss woman' is here but you can call

So, suddenly boss woman gets up and goes potty. SWEET!, I'm thinking, because now I don't have to worry about her moaning and groaning about me being on my cell phone. Next thing I know, the beep sounds telling us there is someone entering into the office. SHIT! Big Boss Man is here now and Big Brother is about to call! Wait! No slam! It's not Big Boss Man after all! Big Brother will be calling and there's a customer here now... Big Brother will have to wait! As I turn my back away from the stairs to get my cell so I can silence it, I suddenly hear "HERRRBBBIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

(PAUSE DVR.... back story time... way back when, about 3-4 years ago or so, I enter into work that morning and check the messages. Someone decided to call and leave a message that went something like this almost word for word in a faux nasally, southern voice:

Hi, my name's Herbie. Herbie Day Hancock and I have some REALLY bad gutters, if you know what I mean!

That caused a huge uproar in the office and something that is joked about now & then between Big Brother & I... now that back-story is told, lets hit PLAY)

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! Was that REALLY what I heard? I do a double take, and sure enough, Big Brother is standing at the top of my stairs! My heart skipped about 5 beats and I'm suddenly hugging him. HOW I got thru my desk is still a blur but I'm screaming and oh so excited to see Big Brother. I haven't seen him in about 3.5 years... When he came up for the Redneck Wedding (completely diff. story not avail on my DVR)... So, now I no longer want to be at work and am kinda ticked that I slacked off all day... I quickly finish up my work & leave an hour early...

Get outta work, we go to lunch. At this point he has already managed to heart attack mother and gramma... when we get back from lunch, its time to pick up the chirren... Princess looks at Big Brother with this weird, giddy look and says nothing... Angel comes in glances, gives a 'huh?' kinda look and says "Uncle Big Brother?" then gets all excited and starts jumping up and down yelling "Uncle Big Brother!!!!!!!" We leave daycare and hubby is home. All is exciting and happy go lucky hunky dory and we go to the Forbidden Place for dinner... You see, it's been probably about 3.5 years since Big Brother has had the Forbidden Place so that was where we HAD to go! And we had a BLAST!

I've decided that Big Brother is DEFINITELY my other half! I mean, he's about the only one who wouldn't mind going in public with me while I'm wearing my purple froggy capri jammies! He's the only one I know who would go with me to Toys R Us to play on the bouncy balls... Except I was disappointed that there were no bouncy balls... so much for singing Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious while bouncing... damn commercials lied to me! He's the only one I can watch RENT with and be able to cry and not feel embarrassed... The one I got to watch Phantom of the Opera with and appreciate it. We're like 2 peas in a pod... next thing I know, it's Thursday morning and he's leaving to head back to NH then Boston to go home. It was a great week!

End of Episode 1 - Thursday 11/13/08 2:00pm

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Playing Catch-up

PSPants tagged me so I must comply...

Clothes: whatever is comfy and doesn't make me look TOO fat...

Furniture: I loves me my entertainment wall tower! Any my full bookshelf... needs me a new bookshelf! Beds are new, couch is a futon... table is hand-me-down... thats it for furniture?

City: East-bum-fudge, MA!

Sweets: Cheesecake... of any sorts!

Drink: coffee.

Music: Right now in CD player is RENT... Russ' fault... thats a diff blog... thats another day, another time...

TV Series: House, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, 90210, ER, Gossip Girl, Greek (haven't decided if I like it or not yet...), NON-DVR is Roseanne, Friends

Film: RENT, RENT flobit, Legally Blonde's, any worthwhile chick-flick

Workout: Ha ha ha ha ha. Wait- you were serious? Okay, my favorite workout is... the ones that get done in my head... I am mentally HAWT & fitter than fit!!!!

Pastries: Donuts count? Boston Creme... or the little frosting filled kind!

Coffee: Hot... Large, Cinnamon... 7 creams, 7 sugars, 12 cinnamons.... Iced, coconut or toasted almond, extra cream and extra liquid sugar

I'm tagging my friend Flip Flop Mom

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who won the debate?

My boss asked me this morning if I watched the debate last night. Well, let me tell you. I tried... I really, truely, honestly TRIED! I could NOT do it! It was worse than watching my children. There was more finger pointing than ANYTHING! It was absolutely, positively, PATHETIC! I watched about 3 minutes of it... It wasn't getting any better... so I shut it off & went to bed!

SOOOO, this afternoon, I noticed this lovely little article on the internet (and if I could figure out how to post direct links on, I'd do that but u can look here: )

I'd like to quote a line from this article:

"According to a national poll that CNN conducted after the debate, 58% of people felt Barack Obama won the debate, while 31% felt that John McCain performed better."

Now, I'm no math-whiz... well, I DID get my AS in Accounting, so maybe I'm SLIGHTLY a math-whiz... but, even my 3rd grader knows that 58% + 31% is NOT 100%! That means there's another 11% out there... And I bet that that 11% is the only normal bunch of Americans who feel that neither one deserve to be pres. and that we're pretty much screwed for th en ext 4 years... I'm one of that very small 11%...

What the HELL America... WHY are we letting these IDIOTS try to run our country? WHERE did all the serious candidates go????

Lord, help us all... I can see this becoming a REALLY LONG 4 years!

Friday, October 10, 2008

oh hellz yea!

Alrighty peeps! I changed my template & now I so don't have to click on it to see my text! Go me! Too bad I liked the purdy pinky one b4!


Maybe I'll post yesterday's MySpace blog now:

Thursday, October 09, 2008
*sigh* I’m tired Current mood: tired Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
I'm tired, my eyes are heavier than heavy & I REALLY contemplated calling in sick today! THAT tired! SO, I decided that I wanted to curl-ify my hair today... I added my product & headed out the door! Confidence booster needed... so I added some eye make-up! Go me, I'm HAWT!
Anywho, I gets to work today (& what do u know, I was only 5 minutes late today & it wasn't even dunkin donut's fault this time... damn road work clusterfucks!) & here is the morning conversation:
BOSS: Oh, you did your hair today
ME: Yea, I threw some moose in it.
BOSS: You molested a moose and it looks like the moose won.
I'm not sure if that was a compliment or an insult, so I took it as a compliment... after all, I AM hawt today!
All that said, my coffee is empty, I'm still tired, and now that my hair is all did & my eyes are done, and I'm all hawt & what not, I can't even take a nap... anyone wanna bring me coffee????
Currently listening : Daughtry By Daughtry Release date: 2006-11-21

Oh, what the hell!

Alright, WTF was I thinking? This damn blog thinggie sucks... Am I the only one who has to actually click on the screen to show the text to my wonderful postings???? PEEPS!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!

PS - My 2 posts for the week are up!

Aloha Peeps

Its official! I just created a blog! How often will I update? How cool will my posts be? Who really even gives a damn? I guess we will just have to wait & see! Until then, whazzup????????? I'm off to learn this darned thing!