I'm behind on blog posts & will still catch up. I just need to get this outta my system... ready, here goes:
UGH! I wish stupid people would stop calling my office! Like I know the answer to all of your little problems! Stop talking to me! Seriously! Can't people just give me their name & number & call it a day? Like I care what they saw at Home Depot! UGH!!!!! Sorry, I had to get that out!
OK, now to get back to work... or maybe Facebook, I haven't quite decided which yet...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Bye Bye Tonsils
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today is the day Princess loses pieces to her anatomic puzzle. We had strict orders that she could have no food or drink after midnight. So, I treated her to a small iced coffee - blueberry & decaf - last night. Also, a bag of fritos with dip. I then allowed her to stay up later than Angel so that Princess would sleep later. Princess is a crazy kid... she doesn't like to stay awake. She likes to sleep... odd, right?
Anyways, Angel & Princess go to sleep followed shortly after by hubby & myself. We woke up just in time for me to get Angel to school, drop something off at Princess' classroom, and go home. I never ate breakfast. I think it'd be pretty rude of me to eat in front of a 5 year old, u know?
So, we left for the hospital around 9:45 or so. We had to be there for 10:30. We sat in the waiting room and waited and waited and waited and then we (Princess, hubby, & I) were brought into the room to get registered. That was when we learned that they misspelled Princess' name so we stayed there waiting while EVERY piece of paper was re-stickered with her correct spelling. While the nurse was printing out new stickers, Princess was to strip down to a hospital gown and hospital jammie bottoms and hospital socks. And, since I chose to be the one by her side, *I* got to dress in a big ol' marshmallow suit. When we were done registering, Princess got to choose what scent she wanted her sleeping gas to be. She chose Watermelon. I would have chose the frosting one (yes, they had that scent!) but, I'll have to wait for my next surgery LOL.
We finished registration and was brought back to the waiting room. To wait some more. Finally, it was time for Princess to go in for her surgery. I followed everyone back to the sleep/surgery room where they put her watermelon mask on her face and had her try to pop the balloon. She never popped the balloon, but fell asleep, nonetheless. I didn't believe she was sleeping though because her eyes were still open. I don't know why I didn't believe it though, have seen her father sleep? Yup, you guessed it, with his eyes open! Scary!
So, now that she's sleeping, I'm guided back to the waiting room where I can finally rid myself of the big ol' marshmallow suit and we wait. While waiting, I went down to the gift shop and purchased Princess a Webkinz and a gift bag. I also got to read some of New Moon (book 2 of the Twilight series) in the waiting room and then, after all the familiar faces left and a bunch of new faces appeared, the phone finally rang for us. We were guided down to recovery where Princess was waking up and drugged up. She proceeds to tell us that she didn't feel anything (man, I love anesthesia!) and then dozed off. She was pretty hilarious on that bed! She'd wake up, make a few funny comments then go to sleep. But then, she decided she really didn't want to be there anymore. She just wanted to go home.
And, we were allowed. Her surgery was scheduled for 11:40am. I don't know exactly what time she was put to sleep because there was no clock in the waiting room and I never looked at my cell. But, I DO know that we were home and her resting on the couch by 2pm!
By dinner time, Princess was feeling pretty good... they drugged her up like CRAZY before we left... and had a melt down because she really wanted a french fry... poor princess!
This may be a long 2 weeks of R&R and SOFT foods!
Oh, and also, since they were already in the area, they removed her adenoids too. Which means she wont snore anymore! She never kept me up with her snoring tho, only hubby on a stupid drunken stupor night!
Today is the day Princess loses pieces to her anatomic puzzle. We had strict orders that she could have no food or drink after midnight. So, I treated her to a small iced coffee - blueberry & decaf - last night. Also, a bag of fritos with dip. I then allowed her to stay up later than Angel so that Princess would sleep later. Princess is a crazy kid... she doesn't like to stay awake. She likes to sleep... odd, right?
Anyways, Angel & Princess go to sleep followed shortly after by hubby & myself. We woke up just in time for me to get Angel to school, drop something off at Princess' classroom, and go home. I never ate breakfast. I think it'd be pretty rude of me to eat in front of a 5 year old, u know?
So, we left for the hospital around 9:45 or so. We had to be there for 10:30. We sat in the waiting room and waited and waited and waited and then we (Princess, hubby, & I) were brought into the room to get registered. That was when we learned that they misspelled Princess' name so we stayed there waiting while EVERY piece of paper was re-stickered with her correct spelling. While the nurse was printing out new stickers, Princess was to strip down to a hospital gown and hospital jammie bottoms and hospital socks. And, since I chose to be the one by her side, *I* got to dress in a big ol' marshmallow suit. When we were done registering, Princess got to choose what scent she wanted her sleeping gas to be. She chose Watermelon. I would have chose the frosting one (yes, they had that scent!) but, I'll have to wait for my next surgery LOL.
We finished registration and was brought back to the waiting room. To wait some more. Finally, it was time for Princess to go in for her surgery. I followed everyone back to the sleep/surgery room where they put her watermelon mask on her face and had her try to pop the balloon. She never popped the balloon, but fell asleep, nonetheless. I didn't believe she was sleeping though because her eyes were still open. I don't know why I didn't believe it though, have seen her father sleep? Yup, you guessed it, with his eyes open! Scary!
So, now that she's sleeping, I'm guided back to the waiting room where I can finally rid myself of the big ol' marshmallow suit and we wait. While waiting, I went down to the gift shop and purchased Princess a Webkinz and a gift bag. I also got to read some of New Moon (book 2 of the Twilight series) in the waiting room and then, after all the familiar faces left and a bunch of new faces appeared, the phone finally rang for us. We were guided down to recovery where Princess was waking up and drugged up. She proceeds to tell us that she didn't feel anything (man, I love anesthesia!) and then dozed off. She was pretty hilarious on that bed! She'd wake up, make a few funny comments then go to sleep. But then, she decided she really didn't want to be there anymore. She just wanted to go home.
And, we were allowed. Her surgery was scheduled for 11:40am. I don't know exactly what time she was put to sleep because there was no clock in the waiting room and I never looked at my cell. But, I DO know that we were home and her resting on the couch by 2pm!
By dinner time, Princess was feeling pretty good... they drugged her up like CRAZY before we left... and had a melt down because she really wanted a french fry... poor princess!
This may be a long 2 weeks of R&R and SOFT foods!
Oh, and also, since they were already in the area, they removed her adenoids too. Which means she wont snore anymore! She never kept me up with her snoring tho, only hubby on a stupid drunken stupor night!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
So you think you can sew
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So, the school that Angel & Princess go to has an All School Theme every year. Last year it was all about this town *well, now city* that we live in. The year before it was the Solar System (or was it just the planets) which ended up being a PERFECT fit since that was when Pluto lost its title of 'planet' that year as well. And the year before that it was about the ocean and lakes and other bodies of water. This year is Princess' first year but Angel is a veteran with it. This year, they chose Going Green. Princess' teacher (was also Angel's teacher when she was a K-Kid also) REALLY took to heart this theme. It is something she feels SOOOO strongly about.
Remember way back when when I made the quilts for Angel's pregnant teacher? Well, I made mention to K-Teacher how I made the quilts and so K-Teacher automatically volunteered me to help sew a project for the class. That project happened today, 5/13! I sew ONE thing in my ENTIRE life and the project she has in mind is for us to sew shopping bags! For EACH kid in the class. She's certain it'll only take 1 afternoon for 3 of us to sew a total of 21 bags plus have time for special snack and a special story from Moi cuz Princess is Star of the Week and her week ends today instead of Friday because she is going to have her tonsils removed tomorrow (5/14). Below are pictures of pictures of me sewing.

The guy who was helping's sewing machine broke (considering the dang thing was a million and a half years old, I'm not surprised) so he moved over to my machine while I did special snack and read the story. Then it was time to leave. I left my sewing machine for them to use it the next day and, apparently, the following day as well. A 1 afternoon project really turned into a 3-day deal BUT they were all finished and they came out FRAN~TASTIC if I do say so myself...

See that one right there? The one on the left? That's Princess' bag. I made that one all by myself. With her help. She stepped on the foot pedal and it takes about 2 seconds for a K-Kid's foot to stop after I say "stop" but, considering I've NEVER done anything structural, it's still holding strong LOL...
So, the school that Angel & Princess go to has an All School Theme every year. Last year it was all about this town *well, now city* that we live in. The year before it was the Solar System (or was it just the planets) which ended up being a PERFECT fit since that was when Pluto lost its title of 'planet' that year as well. And the year before that it was about the ocean and lakes and other bodies of water. This year is Princess' first year but Angel is a veteran with it. This year, they chose Going Green. Princess' teacher (was also Angel's teacher when she was a K-Kid also) REALLY took to heart this theme. It is something she feels SOOOO strongly about.
Remember way back when when I made the quilts for Angel's pregnant teacher? Well, I made mention to K-Teacher how I made the quilts and so K-Teacher automatically volunteered me to help sew a project for the class. That project happened today, 5/13! I sew ONE thing in my ENTIRE life and the project she has in mind is for us to sew shopping bags! For EACH kid in the class. She's certain it'll only take 1 afternoon for 3 of us to sew a total of 21 bags plus have time for special snack and a special story from Moi cuz Princess is Star of the Week and her week ends today instead of Friday because she is going to have her tonsils removed tomorrow (5/14). Below are pictures of pictures of me sewing.

The guy who was helping's sewing machine broke (considering the dang thing was a million and a half years old, I'm not surprised) so he moved over to my machine while I did special snack and read the story. Then it was time to leave. I left my sewing machine for them to use it the next day and, apparently, the following day as well. A 1 afternoon project really turned into a 3-day deal BUT they were all finished and they came out FRAN~TASTIC if I do say so myself...

See that one right there? The one on the left? That's Princess' bag. I made that one all by myself. With her help. She stepped on the foot pedal and it takes about 2 seconds for a K-Kid's foot to stop after I say "stop" but, considering I've NEVER done anything structural, it's still holding strong LOL...
What's the number to 911?!?!?!
Thursday May 7, 2009
OK, as you may remember from my post on 5/5/09, I am sicker than a dog. Well, I went home tuesday and went to bed. But not before I drugged myself up with DayQuil. I couldn't even read any of Twilight, which I really wanted to do! Especially since I had dreamt that I was IN Twilight. Not as Bella or any of the other characters, I was my own character. I was Bella's sidekick and was able to tag along and know all about the vampireism and it was all good!
Anyways, I went to bed, woke up and took more drugs and attempted to eat (OK, fine... DRINK) some chicken broth. I felt better... for the most part... I no longer felt like I was going to die... I took more drugs a little later and went to bed.
I woke up on Wednesday and felt GREAT... a little stuffy but I didn't ache or anything. Went to work and was all happy go lucky. It was a pretty good, actually.
THEN, I woke up this morning *it's Thursday now, play along with me* and I just couldn't breath. I think I now know what an asthma attack feels like. I kept struggling and drinking LOTS of water and figured "If I can just finish up here so that I can go home and call my dr." It felt as though my throat was tightening. My work lasted on and on and on and on and felt like it was never ending. I kept thinking I was going to suffocate to death. Finally, I panicked... I thought I was just going to drop because my throat was so closed up. I told my boss (more like CRIED to him) that I couldn't breath, I had to leave. He was like "You want me to call an ambulance?" where I QUICKLY said NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! BUT, it was too late... he dialed, THEN hung up... Which, as you know, they ALWAYS call back... SOOO my boss says that I can't breathe and they send an ambulance.
So, here's where it gets even WORSE... two paramedics get out of the ambulance and they are FRIGGEN HOTTTTT!!!!!!!! OH. MY. GOD. You think I was having a hard time breathing before? You should see me now that there's 2 REALLY HOT guys pawing all over me (Fine, they were checking my stats and whatever but, so what... they still touched me and they were HOT!)
They do all their tests and what not and my oxygen is great. They don't know what my problem is. I don't know what my problem is. All I know is that I feel like I can't breathe. It's comforting to know that even tho I FEEL like I can't breathe, I really can so that helped lower my panic attack but they bring me to the hospital, just incase.
On the ride to the hospital, I really got a chance to chit-chat with them. They told me how they were JUST about to sit down to eat their pizza. They didn't even get to open their coke when the call came in. Looking into my Fran~tastic crystal ball, I see some peanut butter cookies in their future!
So, anyways, I get to the hospital, where I'm sitting in the hallway on a roll-a-way bed in front of some lady who I eventually find out is there due to chest pains she was having. We are getting quite the show from the loonies in the room that our beds are parked outside of. Apparently 1 of the loonies insisted that the clothes the hospital gave her were not her clothes because they're pink and she hates pink. Then she went to say that her mother brought the clothes to her because she hates pink and her mother hates her or something like that. EXTREMELY hilarous!!!
So, I have to pee so I get up, do my business and as I sit back down, who comes walking down the hall way? None other than MOTHER!!!!!!!!!! Who the hell called HER?!?!?!?
Anyone who knows me knows my mother. For those of you who don't, here's the short & skinny of it. She wakes up, does whatever it is she does, then goes to Bar 1 for like 8 or 9am. Then around 10am or so, she gets a ride and they go across town to Bar 2 and then back to Bar 1 by 11 to watch the Price is Right. They have a daily lottery type thing at both bars and she only goes to Bar 2 to sign the book for the daily lottery thinggie. That's the short & skinny.
So, I ask her 'who the hell called you?' where she proceeds to tell me that for some strange odd reason, she decided to go back to Bar 2 with someone exactly at the same time the ambulance is parked outside my work. Friggen figures!!!!!!!
Anyways, I talk her into leaving since I couldn't talk her into going to get my book (which was INSIDE my car the WHOLE time) and bring it back to me. The lady shows up, takes 4 vials of blood which turns it into an automatic 1.5 hour wait for lab processing time.
Husband showed up about an hour after he got home from work and sat with me for another hour. Five hours in the ER later, I FINALLY get seen by a doctor. Who turns around and tells me EXACTLY what I knew once the really HOT EMT guys told me my oxygen levels were normal... I was fine... He told me that it was just excess congestion or something and had me purchase sudafed and call it a day!
Gee, that's 5 hours of my life I'll never get back... good thing I had really HOT emt's!!!!!!
OK, as you may remember from my post on 5/5/09, I am sicker than a dog. Well, I went home tuesday and went to bed. But not before I drugged myself up with DayQuil. I couldn't even read any of Twilight, which I really wanted to do! Especially since I had dreamt that I was IN Twilight. Not as Bella or any of the other characters, I was my own character. I was Bella's sidekick and was able to tag along and know all about the vampireism and it was all good!
Anyways, I went to bed, woke up and took more drugs and attempted to eat (OK, fine... DRINK) some chicken broth. I felt better... for the most part... I no longer felt like I was going to die... I took more drugs a little later and went to bed.
I woke up on Wednesday and felt GREAT... a little stuffy but I didn't ache or anything. Went to work and was all happy go lucky. It was a pretty good, actually.
THEN, I woke up this morning *it's Thursday now, play along with me* and I just couldn't breath. I think I now know what an asthma attack feels like. I kept struggling and drinking LOTS of water and figured "If I can just finish up here so that I can go home and call my dr." It felt as though my throat was tightening. My work lasted on and on and on and on and felt like it was never ending. I kept thinking I was going to suffocate to death. Finally, I panicked... I thought I was just going to drop because my throat was so closed up. I told my boss (more like CRIED to him) that I couldn't breath, I had to leave. He was like "You want me to call an ambulance?" where I QUICKLY said NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! BUT, it was too late... he dialed, THEN hung up... Which, as you know, they ALWAYS call back... SOOO my boss says that I can't breathe and they send an ambulance.
So, here's where it gets even WORSE... two paramedics get out of the ambulance and they are FRIGGEN HOTTTTT!!!!!!!! OH. MY. GOD. You think I was having a hard time breathing before? You should see me now that there's 2 REALLY HOT guys pawing all over me (Fine, they were checking my stats and whatever but, so what... they still touched me and they were HOT!)
They do all their tests and what not and my oxygen is great. They don't know what my problem is. I don't know what my problem is. All I know is that I feel like I can't breathe. It's comforting to know that even tho I FEEL like I can't breathe, I really can so that helped lower my panic attack but they bring me to the hospital, just incase.
On the ride to the hospital, I really got a chance to chit-chat with them. They told me how they were JUST about to sit down to eat their pizza. They didn't even get to open their coke when the call came in. Looking into my Fran~tastic crystal ball, I see some peanut butter cookies in their future!
So, anyways, I get to the hospital, where I'm sitting in the hallway on a roll-a-way bed in front of some lady who I eventually find out is there due to chest pains she was having. We are getting quite the show from the loonies in the room that our beds are parked outside of. Apparently 1 of the loonies insisted that the clothes the hospital gave her were not her clothes because they're pink and she hates pink. Then she went to say that her mother brought the clothes to her because she hates pink and her mother hates her or something like that. EXTREMELY hilarous!!!
So, I have to pee so I get up, do my business and as I sit back down, who comes walking down the hall way? None other than MOTHER!!!!!!!!!! Who the hell called HER?!?!?!?
Anyone who knows me knows my mother. For those of you who don't, here's the short & skinny of it. She wakes up, does whatever it is she does, then goes to Bar 1 for like 8 or 9am. Then around 10am or so, she gets a ride and they go across town to Bar 2 and then back to Bar 1 by 11 to watch the Price is Right. They have a daily lottery type thing at both bars and she only goes to Bar 2 to sign the book for the daily lottery thinggie. That's the short & skinny.
So, I ask her 'who the hell called you?' where she proceeds to tell me that for some strange odd reason, she decided to go back to Bar 2 with someone exactly at the same time the ambulance is parked outside my work. Friggen figures!!!!!!!
Anyways, I talk her into leaving since I couldn't talk her into going to get my book (which was INSIDE my car the WHOLE time) and bring it back to me. The lady shows up, takes 4 vials of blood which turns it into an automatic 1.5 hour wait for lab processing time.
Husband showed up about an hour after he got home from work and sat with me for another hour. Five hours in the ER later, I FINALLY get seen by a doctor. Who turns around and tells me EXACTLY what I knew once the really HOT EMT guys told me my oxygen levels were normal... I was fine... He told me that it was just excess congestion or something and had me purchase sudafed and call it a day!
Gee, that's 5 hours of my life I'll never get back... good thing I had really HOT emt's!!!!!!
The time is NOW...
NOW is the time that I catch you all up on my WONDERFULLY crazy life... Be prepared to be awww'd, laugh, or feel blah (which is what you all feel with EVERY post, huh?)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
This I promise to you...
I promise to get all caught up here... Boy do I have a LOT to tell you!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
It's the Swine Flu...
... I'm sure of it. I mean, I was fine yesterday... I woke up this morning stuffy, limpy, and achy. Only thing missing is the need to wallow in the mud... Oh, and I'm cold... so cold, very cold, oh so very cold... And, I ate pork chops for dinner... I'm sure it's the swine flu...
I'm infecting the WHOLE office with swine flu and they wont let me go home. Wallow in my swine flu Mr. Boss Guy!
I need rest! And more drugs!
I'm infecting the WHOLE office with swine flu and they wont let me go home. Wallow in my swine flu Mr. Boss Guy!
I need rest! And more drugs!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I'm going to bed...
Welp, I cleaned my room... MAJORLY cleaned my room... first time in like 6 years... when we swapped rooms with the child & at the time, child in womb... Have I mentioned I'm allergic to moving dust? That's why I never deep clean... why unsettle something that's going to irritate me?
Anyways, we're gonna be painting our room since I decided that the children can't clean their room properly they can wait on the really cool, pretty, girl room and continue to live in the drabby, boring, wallpapered by an old lady in flowers room... So, since we're painting, we gotta deep clean. I have 1 corner of the room left to do (which isn't easily accessible at the moment) and the closet left to do... we even lifted the mattress & box springs to sweep fully under the bed! My poor nose!
Anyways, room looks GREAT... We'll be stripping wall paper and prepping and painting on a slow process... rushing with the Living Room the week b4 Easter a few years back SUCKED... I'll NEVER do that again... We will strip & plaster and sand 1 wall at a time until it's paint time... and that means 1 wall a weekend too...
I'm off to bed... what's up for tomorrow? Well, I do have like a week's worth of dishes to finally wash... I was on strike this week after a gabillion Easter Dinner dishes I had to wash. I thought hubby would be nice enough to do it...guess not... Looks like I answered that survey question wrong...
Survey question? You ask? Yup... Last week I was completing a survey and one of the questions in the survey was "What's more dependable? Your significant other or your hairspray?" I chose my significan other... I bet my hairspray woulda washed my dishes by now LOLOL
OK, I'm tired & rambling... Night night!
Anyways, we're gonna be painting our room since I decided that the children can't clean their room properly they can wait on the really cool, pretty, girl room and continue to live in the drabby, boring, wallpapered by an old lady in flowers room... So, since we're painting, we gotta deep clean. I have 1 corner of the room left to do (which isn't easily accessible at the moment) and the closet left to do... we even lifted the mattress & box springs to sweep fully under the bed! My poor nose!
Anyways, room looks GREAT... We'll be stripping wall paper and prepping and painting on a slow process... rushing with the Living Room the week b4 Easter a few years back SUCKED... I'll NEVER do that again... We will strip & plaster and sand 1 wall at a time until it's paint time... and that means 1 wall a weekend too...
I'm off to bed... what's up for tomorrow? Well, I do have like a week's worth of dishes to finally wash... I was on strike this week after a gabillion Easter Dinner dishes I had to wash. I thought hubby would be nice enough to do it...guess not... Looks like I answered that survey question wrong...
Survey question? You ask? Yup... Last week I was completing a survey and one of the questions in the survey was "What's more dependable? Your significant other or your hairspray?" I chose my significan other... I bet my hairspray woulda washed my dishes by now LOLOL
OK, I'm tired & rambling... Night night!
Friday, April 17, 2009
2 things that surprised me this week...
... in a good way.
First, let me start off by saying I TRIED to post yesterday... I really really did! But I couldn't log in for some reason... So, 1st surprise is supposed to be yesterday's blog.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you Simon!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's why:
I kept sitting there saying "Save him! Save him! USE THE SAVE!" as quietly as I could because the whole house was sleeping... WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE me some Matt Girard! He's really kinda sexy too! YES!
So, that was yesterday's blog... now on to today's blog:
OH MY GOD! She brought tears to my eyes! That was the most fabulous singing I've heard in a VERY long time! I can't believe no one has snatched her up yet! She has got to be the best EVER! I'm ABSOLUTELY speechless with that! I must say, I seen this posting on Yahoo .com that showed her picture and I never clicked on anything and I instantly thought of Drew Carey's Mimi... And, yes, her voice does NOT go with her appearance, but, who am I to judge? She's friggen frantabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would SOOOOOOOO buy her album when it comes out!
Anywho, we had softball practice today... I was done after 40 minutes.... 2 hours later they FINALLY let us be done LOL... I'm pooped & tired & all I can say is TGIFFF and YES I meant to have the 3 F's!
I'm tired, Latah Peep!
First, let me start off by saying I TRIED to post yesterday... I really really did! But I couldn't log in for some reason... So, 1st surprise is supposed to be yesterday's blog.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you Simon!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's why:
I kept sitting there saying "Save him! Save him! USE THE SAVE!" as quietly as I could because the whole house was sleeping... WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE me some Matt Girard! He's really kinda sexy too! YES!
So, that was yesterday's blog... now on to today's blog:
OH MY GOD! She brought tears to my eyes! That was the most fabulous singing I've heard in a VERY long time! I can't believe no one has snatched her up yet! She has got to be the best EVER! I'm ABSOLUTELY speechless with that! I must say, I seen this posting on Yahoo .com that showed her picture and I never clicked on anything and I instantly thought of Drew Carey's Mimi... And, yes, her voice does NOT go with her appearance, but, who am I to judge? She's friggen frantabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would SOOOOOOOO buy her album when it comes out!
Anywho, we had softball practice today... I was done after 40 minutes.... 2 hours later they FINALLY let us be done LOL... I'm pooped & tired & all I can say is TGIFFF and YES I meant to have the 3 F's!
I'm tired, Latah Peep!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Movie night on Idol
Tonight was movie night on Idol. Quintin T. was special guest & here's how the performances rated in my book:
Allison came out and sang Aerosmith's Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. I was excited! That girl is a rocker! She's gonna do some mad vocals on this! So then she comes out and sings... total disappointment. She didn't ROCK it like I thought... it was soft... much softer then it should have been! So sad. But, don't worry Allison, I still love you.
Next came Anoop... He sang Bryan Adams' Everything I Do... I was shockingly surprised... in a good way... I like Anoop... really I do... but he's been sappy for me. Anoop Dawg, you're pretty darneded good...
Then... my FAVE! Adam came out... HOLY COW, I was NOT disappointed! No matter WHAT he sings it's friggen AWESOME... did I tell you that I'd NEVER heard of Mad World by Tears for Fears before? Well, I LOVED Adam's song and then Pandora'd Tears for Fears and Mad World was the song played. Even hubby agreed, Adam was BETTER than Tears for Fears! This week, NO difference. I LOVE Adam... and I don 't care what my dear friend Lainey says. Just because he has black nails doesn't mean he sucks. HE FRIGGEN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ALLLLLLL TIME FAVE!
Along comes Matt. My sexy Justin Timberlake twin. I LOVE Matt. I LOVE his sexy, soulful voice. I REALLY loved his performance also! When he plays the piano along with his vocals, it brings out a whole new Matt.
Danny was the 5th to sing. He wasn't wearing his signature glasses... saddened me. But his vocals, OH MY GOD! That boy knows how to pull you DEEP into emotion! I wanted to cry during his performance. SOOOOOO emotional! LOVE YOU DANNY!
Side note, During Danny's performance, Seacrest tweeted his loverly tweets. FYI, if you wanna follow me, www.twitter.com/fran429 I'm just as boring there as I am here, but it's all good!
And then sings Kris. I don't have a CLUE what it was that he sang, but it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never heard the song before to my knowledge. I LOVED it. And TOTALLY disagree with Randy!
Lastly was Lil Rounds. She's been OFF my radar for a while... probably after week 2... It was as tho she became cocky and conceited and full of herself and didn't care about anyone but herself. It probably isn't true and she's probably the biggest sweetheart ever but that was the vibe she was throwing off to me.... ANYWAYS, she sang The Rose... By Bette Midler... EWWWWWWWWWWW.... I HATE that song... She sang it better than Bette but it was still icky...
That was tonight's performance. If I get my wish, I hope Lil goes. She has the voice to get a record label but she doesn't have the intelligence to pick out the perfect song for Idol night.
Well, that's my blog for the night, as promised.
Night night!
Allison came out and sang Aerosmith's Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. I was excited! That girl is a rocker! She's gonna do some mad vocals on this! So then she comes out and sings... total disappointment. She didn't ROCK it like I thought... it was soft... much softer then it should have been! So sad. But, don't worry Allison, I still love you.
Next came Anoop... He sang Bryan Adams' Everything I Do... I was shockingly surprised... in a good way... I like Anoop... really I do... but he's been sappy for me. Anoop Dawg, you're pretty darneded good...
Then... my FAVE! Adam came out... HOLY COW, I was NOT disappointed! No matter WHAT he sings it's friggen AWESOME... did I tell you that I'd NEVER heard of Mad World by Tears for Fears before? Well, I LOVED Adam's song and then Pandora'd Tears for Fears and Mad World was the song played. Even hubby agreed, Adam was BETTER than Tears for Fears! This week, NO difference. I LOVE Adam... and I don 't care what my dear friend Lainey says. Just because he has black nails doesn't mean he sucks. HE FRIGGEN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ALLLLLLL TIME FAVE!
Along comes Matt. My sexy Justin Timberlake twin. I LOVE Matt. I LOVE his sexy, soulful voice. I REALLY loved his performance also! When he plays the piano along with his vocals, it brings out a whole new Matt.
Danny was the 5th to sing. He wasn't wearing his signature glasses... saddened me. But his vocals, OH MY GOD! That boy knows how to pull you DEEP into emotion! I wanted to cry during his performance. SOOOOOO emotional! LOVE YOU DANNY!
Side note, During Danny's performance, Seacrest tweeted his loverly tweets. FYI, if you wanna follow me, www.twitter.com/fran429 I'm just as boring there as I am here, but it's all good!
And then sings Kris. I don't have a CLUE what it was that he sang, but it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never heard the song before to my knowledge. I LOVED it. And TOTALLY disagree with Randy!
Lastly was Lil Rounds. She's been OFF my radar for a while... probably after week 2... It was as tho she became cocky and conceited and full of herself and didn't care about anyone but herself. It probably isn't true and she's probably the biggest sweetheart ever but that was the vibe she was throwing off to me.... ANYWAYS, she sang The Rose... By Bette Midler... EWWWWWWWWWWW.... I HATE that song... She sang it better than Bette but it was still icky...
That was tonight's performance. If I get my wish, I hope Lil goes. She has the voice to get a record label but she doesn't have the intelligence to pick out the perfect song for Idol night.
Well, that's my blog for the night, as promised.
Night night!
Monday, April 13, 2009
My vouge to you...
My vouge to you is that I will try like heck to post daily. Only problem is that I never know what you want to hear... Any suggestions on what I should blog about? Leave me comments on topics to blog. I will randomly pick topics.
Maybe I'll blog about topics to blog about.
More blogs to come!
Maybe I'll blog about topics to blog about.
More blogs to come!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
I just wanted to say:

My ham is in the oven with the final glaze. Carrots and green bean casserole waiting for the oven. Mashed potatoes waiting to boil. Alls left to do is corn and broccoli and crescents. Was hoping to eat for 1, but it looks as tho I may be about 15 minutes behind schedule. That's because the brown sugar was hard as a brick so I had to find a store that was opened that carried brown sugar that wasn't already as hard as a brick...
That said, I also realized a half hour ago that I forgot the turnip. See what happens when I Easter Dinner shop withOUT a list?
At least there's dessert!

My ham is in the oven with the final glaze. Carrots and green bean casserole waiting for the oven. Mashed potatoes waiting to boil. Alls left to do is corn and broccoli and crescents. Was hoping to eat for 1, but it looks as tho I may be about 15 minutes behind schedule. That's because the brown sugar was hard as a brick so I had to find a store that was opened that carried brown sugar that wasn't already as hard as a brick...
That said, I also realized a half hour ago that I forgot the turnip. See what happens when I Easter Dinner shop withOUT a list?
At least there's dessert!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Quilt 1 of 9
Here's the story of how I made my first quilt. Blogger & Charter (or maybe its just Charter) are being dumb and freezing so I have to do this in 9 diff. segments to show you it all. I'm missing photos because I'm not uploading any of the ones I took with my cell because it'll charge me internet LOL...
I started with 2 plain white pieces of cotton fabric:
I started with 2 plain white pieces of cotton fabric:

quilt 4 of 9
quilt 5 of 9
quilt 6 of 9
quilt 7 of 9
Quilt 8 of 9
my quilt page 9 of 9
Blogger is being dumb so I have to work backwards... hopefully you all read this in order! This is the last 5 pictures. It's completed!
I'm really proud of myself!

And she was so surprised:

She LOVED them!

She kept wondering why *I* would want a conference:

I'm really proud of myself!

And she was so surprised:

She LOVED them!

She kept wondering why *I* would want a conference:
She also said her last day of school is the start of April Vacation and she will be bringing the babies to school. I told her I needed notice so I can tell my boss I have another teacher conference. He doesn't need to know that it is including babies! I love me some babies... especially 2 at a time... as long as they don't come home with me and I can give them back LOL...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I made a quilt!
YUP! That's right! I did! I have completed one quilt! Second quilt to be finished today... blog with pictures to follow once the second one is completed!
That said, it's 9:47am and I'm fully completed with my work. Waiting for boss' wife to get here so I can show her my quilt that's finished... But, I wanna go home so I can finish quilt #2 and clean my room... getting new furniture on Friday so need to organize...
Off to play a game of spades while I wait to be able to leave...
OK I love you! Bye Bye!
That said, it's 9:47am and I'm fully completed with my work. Waiting for boss' wife to get here so I can show her my quilt that's finished... But, I wanna go home so I can finish quilt #2 and clean my room... getting new furniture on Friday so need to organize...
Off to play a game of spades while I wait to be able to leave...
OK I love you! Bye Bye!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Idol on Blog
OH MY GOD! He SOOOOOOO hasta stay! I don't think Idol would survive without him! I absolutely LOVE Nick! He's funny as HELL! He's VERY entertaining... OK, so he doesn't sing GREAT, but he's not bad... I think he MAY have potential more once he finishes his identity crisis... not to mention, so far tonight, he's one of the best...
Recap of the night to catch me up then it's live blogging...
Person #1... who was it? Oh yea, the 16 year old. She sang FANTASTIC during the Hollywood tryouts... tonight, she BORED me... so much that I can't even remember what she looked like, let alone what she sang.
Person #2... I can't remember his name, but he's the dude that looks SORTA like Justin Timberlake (yummy). He sang a Coldplay song. Guess what? I'm TOTALLY disagreeing with the guys on this one. I actually really liked it.
Person #3... um yea... 2 words... EWWW BORING!!!! Time to go back to bartending. Oh, and honey, you can't go begging for another chance when you blew the one you had! DUH!
Person #4 Nick... or Norman Gentle... either one, I LOVE you! (read above)
Person #5... redheaded 16 year old Allison. So far during her talk with Seacrest, she's annoying me already... she is sounding very much either like a stupid person or a person on drugs. And since a) she's 16 and b) this is IDOL, she BEST not be on drugs, but HELLO... being dumb don't help either... hopefully she can sing better! She's singing Alone by Heart. I can't quite place Alone, but I LOVE Heart so I HOPE it's good... song is starting, I remember the song. I LOVE the song... don't blow it... She's very rocker-voiced. Not a voice of a 16 year old. One of a much older person. And guess what... She's REALLY good! She definitely sings better than she talks...
Person #6 Kris... OK he's singing Michael Jackson... Man in the Mirror... he's missing the "ohhhh" and nut grabbing but he's uber cute... I hope he's legal, but with my luck (and my streak) he's gay... I really like him too... Sounds better than Michael Jackson... sounds better withOUT the ohhh's! And this Kris dude is putting in a growling soulful sound... but then also has a touch of grownded up Archeletta in him... I like him too... DANGIT!
Person #7 Megan Joy - she's singing Put Your Record's On. She's got shaky hips... and her voice is definitely more different than I expected. I'm not quite sure if I like her or not. So far it wouldn't bother me if she stayed or went... but if I had to compare, person #5 was better than she is... she's not bad, but this line she just sang sounds like she's screaming instead of singing... Oh, and her mother looks like one of those Orange County Housewives gone blond bimbo trying to look like the older sister than the mother of a what-ever-aged Megan is... YAY! Simon agreed that she screamed the second half... Oh, and she kinda sorta looks pregnant... maybe she should find more flattering clothing...
Person #8 - Matt... he's the welder dude, or something laborous like that... He looks a LOT like one of the Brian's on the Brian/Brian crew... he may have a rounder gut and he's probably a touch whiter in complexion but he DEFINITELY looks like Brian! He's an OK singer. His song is from like 1997 or so... it's all good tho. I REALLY hope he makes it thru & B&B get unlaid off b4 this dude gets voted off so I can have this discussion with Brian at work... true story... He probably should have chosen more of a rocker song. Maybe I'm comparing him to Brian cuz of the appearance... but I think this song is too cheesy for him... Oh look... Simon & Randy are agreeing with me with more rocker...
Person #9 - Jessie... she's a single mother... of an 8 year old... she's singing Betty Davis Eyes... I LOVE that song... so husky... and she's NOT singing it huskily enough for me... it sounds like a bad karaoke version for me... and, girl... u've been on Idol for quite some time now, time for some Crest Whitestrips! No vote for me... She's got the voice for Put Your Record's on NOT Betty Davis Eyes... UGH! Ruined it for me...
Person #10 - Kai... I don't remember him from any auditions then next thing I know he makes it... I know his name & because he looks Hawaiian I can put the name to his face but, that's the only reason so far... lets see what he hasta sing... What Becomes of the Brokenhearted... ooooooo He's the guy taking care of his gramma or mom who's very sick... I remember him now... he sang good... and he's singing very good now... dammit! This really sucks... Last week there were 5 peeps I REALLY liked and only 2 got thru... this week same is happening... UGH! AWWWWW his gramma (or mamma) is jamming in the audience! I liked his performance...
Person #11 - Mishavonnah... she got cut immediately at Hollywood on Season 7... this time she's in the top 36... singing Drops of Jupiter... she SOOOOO shoulda sang something diff. These girls have MAJOR bad song choice fever! She shoulda sang Alicia Keys or something more R&B like that... or maybe she could have gotten away with a pop-country song... not Train... I didn't enjoy it....
Person #12 - Adam - He's the Wicked singer... not in a Yankee-talk kinda wicked as in totally awesome... as in Wicked with the groovy wicked witch of the west? and WHY she's so wicked... the Broadway Musical which is on my list of culture... and it WILL happen... anyways... lets see what he has to sing... He's doing the Stones... Satisfaction.... He's starting off with very sexy starting... ewww he just did an Elvis Lip... but he's rocking it... this really sucks... he's good... so aren't like 5 others... only 3 will get thru... He's theatrical tho... which should be obvious since Wicked is theatrical... DUH... but he ROCKED it! GREAT performance & staging & singing...
All that said, I'm casting the word VOTE to 5702, 5704, 5705, 5706, 5708, 5712. Now, we get the top guy, the top girl, then the next highest vote... so I think America is going to vote that the guy thru is Adam(5712) and the girl will be Allison(5705) and the next highest vote will be (damn, that's tough) Megan Joy(5707) (the one I don't care either way that looks preggers) or Kris(5706) or Nick AKA Norman Gentle (5704)... guess we'll find out the results tomorrow night... well, in my case, Friday... I have bowling tomorrow night...
At this point, all I'm gonna say is... Cupcake... Out!
Recap of the night to catch me up then it's live blogging...
Person #1... who was it? Oh yea, the 16 year old. She sang FANTASTIC during the Hollywood tryouts... tonight, she BORED me... so much that I can't even remember what she looked like, let alone what she sang.
Person #2... I can't remember his name, but he's the dude that looks SORTA like Justin Timberlake (yummy). He sang a Coldplay song. Guess what? I'm TOTALLY disagreeing with the guys on this one. I actually really liked it.
Person #3... um yea... 2 words... EWWW BORING!!!! Time to go back to bartending. Oh, and honey, you can't go begging for another chance when you blew the one you had! DUH!
Person #4 Nick... or Norman Gentle... either one, I LOVE you! (read above)
Person #5... redheaded 16 year old Allison. So far during her talk with Seacrest, she's annoying me already... she is sounding very much either like a stupid person or a person on drugs. And since a) she's 16 and b) this is IDOL, she BEST not be on drugs, but HELLO... being dumb don't help either... hopefully she can sing better! She's singing Alone by Heart. I can't quite place Alone, but I LOVE Heart so I HOPE it's good... song is starting, I remember the song. I LOVE the song... don't blow it... She's very rocker-voiced. Not a voice of a 16 year old. One of a much older person. And guess what... She's REALLY good! She definitely sings better than she talks...
Person #6 Kris... OK he's singing Michael Jackson... Man in the Mirror... he's missing the "ohhhh" and nut grabbing but he's uber cute... I hope he's legal, but with my luck (and my streak) he's gay... I really like him too... Sounds better than Michael Jackson... sounds better withOUT the ohhh's! And this Kris dude is putting in a growling soulful sound... but then also has a touch of grownded up Archeletta in him... I like him too... DANGIT!
Person #7 Megan Joy - she's singing Put Your Record's On. She's got shaky hips... and her voice is definitely more different than I expected. I'm not quite sure if I like her or not. So far it wouldn't bother me if she stayed or went... but if I had to compare, person #5 was better than she is... she's not bad, but this line she just sang sounds like she's screaming instead of singing... Oh, and her mother looks like one of those Orange County Housewives gone blond bimbo trying to look like the older sister than the mother of a what-ever-aged Megan is... YAY! Simon agreed that she screamed the second half... Oh, and she kinda sorta looks pregnant... maybe she should find more flattering clothing...
Person #8 - Matt... he's the welder dude, or something laborous like that... He looks a LOT like one of the Brian's on the Brian/Brian crew... he may have a rounder gut and he's probably a touch whiter in complexion but he DEFINITELY looks like Brian! He's an OK singer. His song is from like 1997 or so... it's all good tho. I REALLY hope he makes it thru & B&B get unlaid off b4 this dude gets voted off so I can have this discussion with Brian at work... true story... He probably should have chosen more of a rocker song. Maybe I'm comparing him to Brian cuz of the appearance... but I think this song is too cheesy for him... Oh look... Simon & Randy are agreeing with me with more rocker...
Person #9 - Jessie... she's a single mother... of an 8 year old... she's singing Betty Davis Eyes... I LOVE that song... so husky... and she's NOT singing it huskily enough for me... it sounds like a bad karaoke version for me... and, girl... u've been on Idol for quite some time now, time for some Crest Whitestrips! No vote for me... She's got the voice for Put Your Record's on NOT Betty Davis Eyes... UGH! Ruined it for me...
Person #10 - Kai... I don't remember him from any auditions then next thing I know he makes it... I know his name & because he looks Hawaiian I can put the name to his face but, that's the only reason so far... lets see what he hasta sing... What Becomes of the Brokenhearted... ooooooo He's the guy taking care of his gramma or mom who's very sick... I remember him now... he sang good... and he's singing very good now... dammit! This really sucks... Last week there were 5 peeps I REALLY liked and only 2 got thru... this week same is happening... UGH! AWWWWW his gramma (or mamma) is jamming in the audience! I liked his performance...
Person #11 - Mishavonnah... she got cut immediately at Hollywood on Season 7... this time she's in the top 36... singing Drops of Jupiter... she SOOOOO shoulda sang something diff. These girls have MAJOR bad song choice fever! She shoulda sang Alicia Keys or something more R&B like that... or maybe she could have gotten away with a pop-country song... not Train... I didn't enjoy it....
Person #12 - Adam - He's the Wicked singer... not in a Yankee-talk kinda wicked as in totally awesome... as in Wicked with the groovy wicked witch of the west? and WHY she's so wicked... the Broadway Musical which is on my list of culture... and it WILL happen... anyways... lets see what he has to sing... He's doing the Stones... Satisfaction.... He's starting off with very sexy starting... ewww he just did an Elvis Lip... but he's rocking it... this really sucks... he's good... so aren't like 5 others... only 3 will get thru... He's theatrical tho... which should be obvious since Wicked is theatrical... DUH... but he ROCKED it! GREAT performance & staging & singing...
All that said, I'm casting the word VOTE to 5702, 5704, 5705, 5706, 5708, 5712. Now, we get the top guy, the top girl, then the next highest vote... so I think America is going to vote that the guy thru is Adam(5712) and the girl will be Allison(5705) and the next highest vote will be (damn, that's tough) Megan Joy(5707) (the one I don't care either way that looks preggers) or Kris(5706) or Nick AKA Norman Gentle (5704)... guess we'll find out the results tomorrow night... well, in my case, Friday... I have bowling tomorrow night...
At this point, all I'm gonna say is... Cupcake... Out!
Friday, February 20, 2009
A blast from the past...
I meant to write Wednesday but I've been busy & hectic and what not so it never happened so pretend today is Wednesday. (*to protect the identities, names have been changed)
So, I went out for breakfast with Angel this morning at Burger King. You see, it's school vacation and our week was planned like this: when the kiddos woke up, they'd go upstairs to Nanny's until I got home from work at 9:30am, BUT they each could go to daycare one day this week and I'd spend a little 1-on-1 time with the other and we'd do lunch together and what-not. Oh, and of course, on Friday we'd all drive to the airport to see Nanny off to Florida... Princess decided she wanted to go to daycare on Thursday and Angel wanted to go on Wednesday. Suddenly, we realize that one of Angel's friends is having a birthday party on Wednesday and she doesn't want to miss her daycare day so Angel & Princess swapped days. So that brings up back to today.
I got home at 9:30 and all seemed way too quiet so I go and check and, sure enough, Angel is still sleeping. I wake her up and tell her she needs to get up and shower because she's getting picked up at 10:40 for her birthday party... Then I realize since I can't spend lunch with her like planned, it wouldn't be fair when I have lunch with Princess tomorrow so I tell Angel if she hurries up and showers and gets ready, we can run for breakfast at Burger King or McDonalds so that we know we'll be back home b4 her friend's mom gets here at 10:40. Angel decides on BK and showered in the nick of time, so off to BK we go.
She orders her french toast sticks and I get a biscuit sandwich which slightly disappointed me cuz I wanted a biscuit but when I got it, it really wasn't what I wanted after all... but ANYWAYS, I'm waiting for Angel to finish up eating so I'm checking out the ads on the tray place mat and notice Barnett* Computer Solutions and think to myself, I know a Barnett*, his name is Justin*. That's when I notice Mr. Computer Guy's name IS Justin*. Like HOLY COW! I was suddenly flooded with memories.
So, I'll give you the skinny on Justin* in the concentrated version. I "met" this dude thru a friend and Justin* & I only spoke on the phone. He was labeled Phone-Sex-Justin* because he was, like any other typical 15-16 year old boy, a horny toad. When ever I spoke to him, he insisted on phone sex. So... for the first 2 minutes or so of our conversation, I would say (normally in a Ben Stein tone) 'Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby, ohhhhh' and then we could start a normal conversation... for a little while... but, oddly enough, during the normal conversations we got along remarkably great. In fact, it got to the point that I was pretty sure he was my soul mate! We were like 2 peas in a pod! I kid you not! It was weird!
SOOOOOOOO.... One day, I'm talking to Justin* and he says he's gotta go because he's going to a career fair at my high school (he lived in a diff. town, obviously) so I'm thinking its now the time to meet my soul mate. SOOOOO we plan to meet up. That's when he tells me he'll be wearing the Chubacka or Ewok or R2-D2 or some Star Wars type shirt. WHOA! Well, I went to the career fair looking for him in hopes that it was one mad cool shirt. Well, it was pretty much something an 8 year old would wear. Way gross... that was when I realized that my soul mate wasn't my soul mate. He was really my brother. Well, not my real brother, just an exact replica (non-appearance tho) of my brother in a non-related body.
We still talked the same after that and I told him I couldn't find him, we must have missed each other some how. But, he was no longer my soul mate. I moved on in search of the next bozo in my life LOL...
Anyways, seeing that ad brought more than memories. It brought curiosity! I wrote down his website and checked it out once I got home. It seems he did good for himself! I'm glad! I always like to see people I know excel! I also took the opportunity to search for him on Facebook & MySpace. I found him. Mr. Phone-Sex-Justin* growded up. Geeky, dorky, Star Warsy Justin* got buff! HOWEVER, apparently at one point he went to a drag party & dude got legs chicks (me) would KILL for! Oh, and you know how I said he was an exact replica of my brother? He's NOT gay! I mean, we all know my track record with gay guys LOLOL...
Anywho, coming across a name from an old acquaintance is always fun, isn't it? Can't wait for the next name to come across my mind!
Later peeps!
So, I went out for breakfast with Angel this morning at Burger King. You see, it's school vacation and our week was planned like this: when the kiddos woke up, they'd go upstairs to Nanny's until I got home from work at 9:30am, BUT they each could go to daycare one day this week and I'd spend a little 1-on-1 time with the other and we'd do lunch together and what-not. Oh, and of course, on Friday we'd all drive to the airport to see Nanny off to Florida... Princess decided she wanted to go to daycare on Thursday and Angel wanted to go on Wednesday. Suddenly, we realize that one of Angel's friends is having a birthday party on Wednesday and she doesn't want to miss her daycare day so Angel & Princess swapped days. So that brings up back to today.
I got home at 9:30 and all seemed way too quiet so I go and check and, sure enough, Angel is still sleeping. I wake her up and tell her she needs to get up and shower because she's getting picked up at 10:40 for her birthday party... Then I realize since I can't spend lunch with her like planned, it wouldn't be fair when I have lunch with Princess tomorrow so I tell Angel if she hurries up and showers and gets ready, we can run for breakfast at Burger King or McDonalds so that we know we'll be back home b4 her friend's mom gets here at 10:40. Angel decides on BK and showered in the nick of time, so off to BK we go.
She orders her french toast sticks and I get a biscuit sandwich which slightly disappointed me cuz I wanted a biscuit but when I got it, it really wasn't what I wanted after all... but ANYWAYS, I'm waiting for Angel to finish up eating so I'm checking out the ads on the tray place mat and notice Barnett* Computer Solutions and think to myself, I know a Barnett*, his name is Justin*. That's when I notice Mr. Computer Guy's name IS Justin*. Like HOLY COW! I was suddenly flooded with memories.
So, I'll give you the skinny on Justin* in the concentrated version. I "met" this dude thru a friend and Justin* & I only spoke on the phone. He was labeled Phone-Sex-Justin* because he was, like any other typical 15-16 year old boy, a horny toad. When ever I spoke to him, he insisted on phone sex. So... for the first 2 minutes or so of our conversation, I would say (normally in a Ben Stein tone) 'Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby, ohhhhh' and then we could start a normal conversation... for a little while... but, oddly enough, during the normal conversations we got along remarkably great. In fact, it got to the point that I was pretty sure he was my soul mate! We were like 2 peas in a pod! I kid you not! It was weird!
SOOOOOOOO.... One day, I'm talking to Justin* and he says he's gotta go because he's going to a career fair at my high school (he lived in a diff. town, obviously) so I'm thinking its now the time to meet my soul mate. SOOOOO we plan to meet up. That's when he tells me he'll be wearing the Chubacka or Ewok or R2-D2 or some Star Wars type shirt. WHOA! Well, I went to the career fair looking for him in hopes that it was one mad cool shirt. Well, it was pretty much something an 8 year old would wear. Way gross... that was when I realized that my soul mate wasn't my soul mate. He was really my brother. Well, not my real brother, just an exact replica (non-appearance tho) of my brother in a non-related body.
We still talked the same after that and I told him I couldn't find him, we must have missed each other some how. But, he was no longer my soul mate. I moved on in search of the next bozo in my life LOL...
Anyways, seeing that ad brought more than memories. It brought curiosity! I wrote down his website and checked it out once I got home. It seems he did good for himself! I'm glad! I always like to see people I know excel! I also took the opportunity to search for him on Facebook & MySpace. I found him. Mr. Phone-Sex-Justin* growded up. Geeky, dorky, Star Warsy Justin* got buff! HOWEVER, apparently at one point he went to a drag party & dude got legs chicks (me) would KILL for! Oh, and you know how I said he was an exact replica of my brother? He's NOT gay! I mean, we all know my track record with gay guys LOLOL...
Anywho, coming across a name from an old acquaintance is always fun, isn't it? Can't wait for the next name to come across my mind!
Later peeps!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Glad & Sad...
Welp, here goes... my bestest friend in the whole wide world told me she has a phone screening on Friday for a new job which will turn into an interview, and since she is the most awesomest person in the whole wide world & really truely friggen ROCKS, she will ALSO get a full blown interview and then, she WILL get the job... if she doesn't, I'll be beyond surprised... I'm so GLAD for her... but, it's at the Perfect Company, therefore I'm sad... I didn't even get a call! I'm off to go mope around now... buh bye!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
"But everyone else is doing it!"
Alrighty now... hubs is watching some movie on ty... u know that White Castle movie? The one with the dude from House on it? Well, I guess they did a sequel type thing & that's what he's watching... DUMB!!!!!!!!!!! BUT, while I'm trying to stay awake with him I decided to catch up on everyone's blogs and notices that she did it and he did it and even she did it so I wanted to do it too!
So here IT goes... I am ISFP... Do you know what that means? Yea, neither did I... but it means that I am 56% Introverted, 25% Sensing, 50% Feeling, and 33% Perceiving... Here's the perceptive side of me... that is WAY more than 100% LOL... The following is directly from the page:
You are:
moderately expressed introvert
moderately expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed perceiving personality
WELL... that doesn't exactly tell me what I should be when I grow up... so I did a bit more research and according to Keirsey I should be a composer. That's kinda funny... I'd have a better chance at taking Paula's place as an Idol judge... or as a Dancing With the Stars judge... BUT, really, it doesn't mean I'm the next Beethoven (Thank GOODNESS!) It means I can be the next Jackie Kennedy, or Cher, or Spielberg... I wonder if author or screenwriter fits in that? I'm also really good at taking pictures... maybe I'm not good at it, but I REALLY enjoy it...
Awww hell, Keirsey is just as confused at what I wanna be when I grow up as I am! And I quote:
The most difficult to pigeonhole is the Composer (ISFP). They are driven by their values and usually have a strong aesthetic sense. If they have a driving force to do good, you may find them in medical or veterinary occupations or in social services or education. If they need to express their artistic talents, they may be a painter, a potter, a jeweler, a fashion designer, a carpenter, or a chef. Some are called to more technical occupations such as surveyor, botanist, or chemist. Still others are in the service industry as wait-people, beauticians, or retail clerks. Some do a variety of clerical services and may be bookkeepers or legal secretaries. Says Lorenzo, “Being a chef is more than making a good meal. The taste, aroma and presentation of the food must be perfect – like creating a great symphony.”
Having a life of action and freedom is what makes an Artisan tick and gives them a sense of being alive.
Doesn't that just friggen figure? So, I traveled on with my research and decided to visit here:
ISFP - Artists, musicians, composers, designers, child care workers, social workers, counselers (BTW, they mispelled that!), teachers, veterinarians, forest rangers, naturalists, bookkeepers, carpenters, personal service workers, clerical supervisors, secretaries, dental and medical staffers, waiters and waitresses, chefs, nurses, mechanics, physical therapists, x-ray technicians. They tend to do well in the arts, as well as helping others and working with people.
That doesn't narrow it down much either... however, I can nix the musician since I sing like crap, child care worker is a nay cuz I don't like them that much (however it could just be my own that drive me batty... same goes with veterinarians, altho that's more along the reasonings I have with the medical parts...) I can't do blood or bodily fluids, my cooking is mediocre (altho I can bake really good, decorating is another story tho) Waitress gets paid caca-poopies and I get along with males better than females because I can't stand the egotistical little bitches that are around here in the female bodies these days... so I guess that kinda keeps me where I am now...
BUT, I know me & what I REALLY would like to do (and MAYBE one day I will) is own a bookstore... so, maybe that means step 1 is to go work for Barnes & Noble or Borders to learn all I can in the business while going back to school for my BA in Business Management and take an entrepreneur class for extended edumacation... Anyways, thank you Myers-Briggs for helping confoozle me even more than I already am!
So here IT goes... I am ISFP... Do you know what that means? Yea, neither did I... but it means that I am 56% Introverted, 25% Sensing, 50% Feeling, and 33% Perceiving... Here's the perceptive side of me... that is WAY more than 100% LOL... The following is directly from the page:
You are:
moderately expressed introvert
moderately expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed perceiving personality
WELL... that doesn't exactly tell me what I should be when I grow up... so I did a bit more research and according to Keirsey I should be a composer. That's kinda funny... I'd have a better chance at taking Paula's place as an Idol judge... or as a Dancing With the Stars judge... BUT, really, it doesn't mean I'm the next Beethoven (Thank GOODNESS!) It means I can be the next Jackie Kennedy, or Cher, or Spielberg... I wonder if author or screenwriter fits in that? I'm also really good at taking pictures... maybe I'm not good at it, but I REALLY enjoy it...
Awww hell, Keirsey is just as confused at what I wanna be when I grow up as I am! And I quote:
The most difficult to pigeonhole is the Composer (ISFP). They are driven by their values and usually have a strong aesthetic sense. If they have a driving force to do good, you may find them in medical or veterinary occupations or in social services or education. If they need to express their artistic talents, they may be a painter, a potter, a jeweler, a fashion designer, a carpenter, or a chef. Some are called to more technical occupations such as surveyor, botanist, or chemist. Still others are in the service industry as wait-people, beauticians, or retail clerks. Some do a variety of clerical services and may be bookkeepers or legal secretaries. Says Lorenzo, “Being a chef is more than making a good meal. The taste, aroma and presentation of the food must be perfect – like creating a great symphony.”
Having a life of action and freedom is what makes an Artisan tick and gives them a sense of being alive.
Doesn't that just friggen figure? So, I traveled on with my research and decided to visit here:
ISFP - Artists, musicians, composers, designers, child care workers, social workers, counselers (BTW, they mispelled that!), teachers, veterinarians, forest rangers, naturalists, bookkeepers, carpenters, personal service workers, clerical supervisors, secretaries, dental and medical staffers, waiters and waitresses, chefs, nurses, mechanics, physical therapists, x-ray technicians. They tend to do well in the arts, as well as helping others and working with people.
That doesn't narrow it down much either... however, I can nix the musician since I sing like crap, child care worker is a nay cuz I don't like them that much (however it could just be my own that drive me batty... same goes with veterinarians, altho that's more along the reasonings I have with the medical parts...) I can't do blood or bodily fluids, my cooking is mediocre (altho I can bake really good, decorating is another story tho) Waitress gets paid caca-poopies and I get along with males better than females because I can't stand the egotistical little bitches that are around here in the female bodies these days... so I guess that kinda keeps me where I am now...
BUT, I know me & what I REALLY would like to do (and MAYBE one day I will) is own a bookstore... so, maybe that means step 1 is to go work for Barnes & Noble or Borders to learn all I can in the business while going back to school for my BA in Business Management and take an entrepreneur class for extended edumacation... Anyways, thank you Myers-Briggs for helping confoozle me even more than I already am!
"We're in San Diego... I'm 40% sure of it..."
Words straight from the giraffe's mouth! Melman to be exact! I LOVE me some Madagascar! T'was just as good the second time around... I loved it! I give it 2 thumbs up! I STILL wanna go to the San Diego Zoo because of that movie!!!!! And, one day I will!
Now a quick hello and update on my life... I have about 100 more pages to go in my book, Talk of the Town by Karen Hawkins... I bought it because of the uber cute beagle puppy on the cover... whoda thunked that the beagle really was a gabillion years old... however, that beagle is just as lazy as my puggle is now...
The job search is still going on... so far all dead ends... so I'm still working only 2 hours a day... and spending the rest of my time being addicted to One Tree Hill and my DVR... I try to squeeze JUST enough cleaning in there that I'm not told I'm lazy LOL...
Did I tell you that Angel's teacher is preggers? YUP! She's having twins even... its her first pregnancy too... I told her to quit now while she's ahead... and get this! SHE wants to go the old fashion way & NOT know what she's having! Who does that anymore??? Well, my mom is crocheting her this really cool ABC baby blanket & I'm attempting my very first quilt! Well, really it'll be more like a baby comforter... Its of Noah's Arc and it's going to be hand embroidered then I get to learn how to sew so I can put on the backing and bottom... Only I dunno what I should do for the backing since it should be a neutral color... Dang her for not wanting to know the sex of the children! I'll definitely post pics when I get one taken...
I don't know what else to tell you... Like I've said, I live a boring life... Not much happens here.... Have a great day guys!
Now a quick hello and update on my life... I have about 100 more pages to go in my book, Talk of the Town by Karen Hawkins... I bought it because of the uber cute beagle puppy on the cover... whoda thunked that the beagle really was a gabillion years old... however, that beagle is just as lazy as my puggle is now...
The job search is still going on... so far all dead ends... so I'm still working only 2 hours a day... and spending the rest of my time being addicted to One Tree Hill and my DVR... I try to squeeze JUST enough cleaning in there that I'm not told I'm lazy LOL...
Did I tell you that Angel's teacher is preggers? YUP! She's having twins even... its her first pregnancy too... I told her to quit now while she's ahead... and get this! SHE wants to go the old fashion way & NOT know what she's having! Who does that anymore??? Well, my mom is crocheting her this really cool ABC baby blanket & I'm attempting my very first quilt! Well, really it'll be more like a baby comforter... Its of Noah's Arc and it's going to be hand embroidered then I get to learn how to sew so I can put on the backing and bottom... Only I dunno what I should do for the backing since it should be a neutral color... Dang her for not wanting to know the sex of the children! I'll definitely post pics when I get one taken...
I don't know what else to tell you... Like I've said, I live a boring life... Not much happens here.... Have a great day guys!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I need a vacation... or maybe some happy pills...
The dog is aggrevating me, the kids are grounded, and hubs is giving me a headache... it friggen snowed today, and not to mention the grandmother has called about 7 times today... all for the same reasonings... well, the first 2 sentances of each call were different but that was it.
Where to start? Lets see... we'll start with the most of my problems... right now, its that dang-nabbit dog! The stupid thing hurt his back leg a few days ago & he wont stay still which is increasing his stupid injury so now I'm gonna hafta cough up an arm & a leg tomorrow at the vet for them to pretty much not tell me anything... at least they could probably express him... he seems like he's about ready for that to happen again... not to mention he wont leave anything alone and he wont stop crying at the door to go outside because hubs is out there... OK, that was about an hour ago, but still... he's just aggravating me lately! And I SWEAR, he's doing it on purpose!
Now, we'll move on to the kids... I've been asking them and telling them... and hounding them to clean their damn room since before Christmas. Now, what you probably don't know is that we moved their toys from their room down unto the basement (for the most part) so ALL they had to clean up was trash, clothes, and the random toy... it's been OVER a friggen month and last Friday I gave them a deadline of Sunday to get it done or face the consequences. They doubted me so they're now grounded for the week. They have had days added on since then for being their horrible selves during grounding & not listening. So, they are grounded now up until Tuesday (that's their last day)... Wednesday if they don't get the room clean by the end of the day tomorrow, too!
I can't complain TOO much about hubs... Its just me taking it out on him... and he plays with the dog (did I mention the dog aggravating me?) LOUDLY while I'm on the phone with my grandmother (who's repeating herself for the gabillionth time) while she ACTUALLY says something that was new to me... WHILE I'm trying to put photos in order by date as close as possible.
Oh yea... photos! I somehow managed to inherit loads of photos... some from mother... some from dad... I don't know who's was who for the most part... let alone where most of them came from, but I FINALLY got them in albums and I was able to fit about 40 years or so into 1 album... FYI - If you plan on leaving me photos in your passing, make sure they're in albums already! I'm NOT interested in cronicalizing your life when I dont even know most of it! BUT, I've now made it to 1999... more specifically, the birth of my eldest brat... she was soooo stinkin adorable! I had to scan about 40 photos from 1999 so that I could get duplicates to be able to put in my album & her album so I should remember to post some of those pics on here another day when I'm blogging from my desktop...
Talking about that made me less frustrated! Or maybe its because everyone is in bed except for me... But, let me finish off my aggravations... It snowed today... I'm glad about that... I didn't go in to work. I told boss before he cut my hours that I will NOT come into work if school was cancelled and school WAS cancelled... however, I STILL got woken up at 7:15 by the mutt and then the kids woke up shortly after that so I didn't get much me-time, but it's OK... Hubs asked me if I could clean up the snow a bit before the ice came down... I vaguely remember nodding & humming that I would so I had no choice... I went out around 11:30 or so to do it & got back in the house at 1:00. Gramma called and asked if I was tired. I responded with "Did your grandson get a new job?" Where she said "I dunno, did he?" And I said "I don't know but I figured he must have gotten a new job because I'm sure he'd be out helping me if he wasn't working." And she laughed. Apparently she told him to go down & help shovel & he never did. And also, apparently he snuck out the house and off to the wife's house while I had my back turned to him and was clearing the path for the trash. Lazy ass bottom-feeder! UGH! He pisses me off, too!
Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed. I no longer feel the need to write this blog to begin with now... Good night!
Where to start? Lets see... we'll start with the most of my problems... right now, its that dang-nabbit dog! The stupid thing hurt his back leg a few days ago & he wont stay still which is increasing his stupid injury so now I'm gonna hafta cough up an arm & a leg tomorrow at the vet for them to pretty much not tell me anything... at least they could probably express him... he seems like he's about ready for that to happen again... not to mention he wont leave anything alone and he wont stop crying at the door to go outside because hubs is out there... OK, that was about an hour ago, but still... he's just aggravating me lately! And I SWEAR, he's doing it on purpose!
Now, we'll move on to the kids... I've been asking them and telling them... and hounding them to clean their damn room since before Christmas. Now, what you probably don't know is that we moved their toys from their room down unto the basement (for the most part) so ALL they had to clean up was trash, clothes, and the random toy... it's been OVER a friggen month and last Friday I gave them a deadline of Sunday to get it done or face the consequences. They doubted me so they're now grounded for the week. They have had days added on since then for being their horrible selves during grounding & not listening. So, they are grounded now up until Tuesday (that's their last day)... Wednesday if they don't get the room clean by the end of the day tomorrow, too!
I can't complain TOO much about hubs... Its just me taking it out on him... and he plays with the dog (did I mention the dog aggravating me?) LOUDLY while I'm on the phone with my grandmother (who's repeating herself for the gabillionth time) while she ACTUALLY says something that was new to me... WHILE I'm trying to put photos in order by date as close as possible.
Oh yea... photos! I somehow managed to inherit loads of photos... some from mother... some from dad... I don't know who's was who for the most part... let alone where most of them came from, but I FINALLY got them in albums and I was able to fit about 40 years or so into 1 album... FYI - If you plan on leaving me photos in your passing, make sure they're in albums already! I'm NOT interested in cronicalizing your life when I dont even know most of it! BUT, I've now made it to 1999... more specifically, the birth of my eldest brat... she was soooo stinkin adorable! I had to scan about 40 photos from 1999 so that I could get duplicates to be able to put in my album & her album so I should remember to post some of those pics on here another day when I'm blogging from my desktop...
Talking about that made me less frustrated! Or maybe its because everyone is in bed except for me... But, let me finish off my aggravations... It snowed today... I'm glad about that... I didn't go in to work. I told boss before he cut my hours that I will NOT come into work if school was cancelled and school WAS cancelled... however, I STILL got woken up at 7:15 by the mutt and then the kids woke up shortly after that so I didn't get much me-time, but it's OK... Hubs asked me if I could clean up the snow a bit before the ice came down... I vaguely remember nodding & humming that I would so I had no choice... I went out around 11:30 or so to do it & got back in the house at 1:00. Gramma called and asked if I was tired. I responded with "Did your grandson get a new job?" Where she said "I dunno, did he?" And I said "I don't know but I figured he must have gotten a new job because I'm sure he'd be out helping me if he wasn't working." And she laughed. Apparently she told him to go down & help shovel & he never did. And also, apparently he snuck out the house and off to the wife's house while I had my back turned to him and was clearing the path for the trash. Lazy ass bottom-feeder! UGH! He pisses me off, too!
Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed. I no longer feel the need to write this blog to begin with now... Good night!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A day of changes
Well, today was definitely a day of changes. It started out with the Presidential Inauguration. We now have a new President. An African American President even! Our next one will be woman! Today also happened to be my hair appointment... If you go back to my prior blog, you will see what I was looking for... then you can compare it to what I got...
Before we get into that, let me introduce you to a few 'before' pics...
me with straight hair
my hair all natural...
So, I arrive at Maria's and she decides to chop off all of that before she starts to color. We'd hate to waste the time coloring what's being cut anyways...
And we start to foil...
I feel like Cousin It. Maria sworn I wouldn't look like Cousin It when she was done with me. I told her I didn't mind as long as I didn't look like Uncle Fester.
Oh, look... all foiled!
And now I wait....
Rinsed & ready to cut...
snip snip
so far so good
make sure it's all even!
getting ready to style
Let's get you pretty
Hot Damn!
so pretty!
The new & improved me! Am I hot or what????? I am SOOOO excited about my hair! I LOVE it! I can't wait til I get seen in public to see what everyone thinks! Hubs kept telling me I was cute... Angel & Princess told me I looked weird... but in a good way LOLOL... And Max barked and tried to eat me, but I think that's because I was avoiding his stupid jumping and not giving him my undivided attention... No one else has seen it yet...
Before we get into that, let me introduce you to a few 'before' pics...

OK, I'm off to bed... Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite, see you tomorrow, see you on Wednesday, sweet dreams, luv u so much
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